Hibernation is known as “winter sleep.” What word means “summer sleep”?




Here is the option for the question :

  • Exculpation
  • Estivation
  • Desiccation
  • Dehydration

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :



Dormancy can set in throughout the winter or summer months in regions that experience high temperatures. Although estivation is rare in mammals, it is prevalent in reptiles such as salamanders, tortoises, and crocodiles. This behaviour happens in environments that are hot and dry, which reduces the availability of food and increases the risk of overheating. Estivation is another method that assists animals in avoiding desiccation and other forms of excessive dryness.

Hibernation is known as “winter sleep.” What word means “summer sleep”?
Estivation, also known as aestivation, is a state of dormancy that some animals enter during the summer months. It is often referred to as “summer sleep” and is the opposite of hibernation, which occurs during the winter.

During estivation, animals conserve energy by reducing their metabolic rate and becoming less active. This allows them to survive in environments that are too hot or dry for them to be active and find food. Estivation is most commonly observed in amphibians, reptiles, and some species of mammals and birds.

One of the most well-known examples of estivation is the African lungfish. These fish are able to survive in dry riverbeds by burrowing into the mud and secreting a mucus cocoon around their bodies, which helps to retain moisture. They then enter a state of estivation, during which their metabolic rate slows down and they do not eat or drink. When the rains return, the lungfish emerges from its cocoon and resumes its normal activities.

Another example of an animal that undergoes estivation is the desert tortoise. These tortoises are able to survive in the harsh deserts of the southwestern United States by burrowing into the ground and estivating during the hot summer months. During this time, their heart rate and metabolism slow down, and they do not eat or drink. When the temperatures cool down and the rains return, the tortoise emerges from its burrow and resumes its normal activities.

Estivation can also be observed in some species of frogs and toads. These animals are able to survive in dry environments by burrowing into the ground and estivating during the summer months. During estivation, their metabolic rate slows down, and they do not eat or drink. When the rains return, the frogs and toads emerge from their burrows and resume their normal activities.

estivation is a fascinating adaptation that allows animals to survive in hot and dry environments. By reducing their metabolic rate and becoming less active, these animals are able to conserve energy and survive until conditions improve. While not as well-known as hibernation, estivation is an important survival strategy for many species of animals.