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What European airport is named after the composer Frederic Chopin?

Here is the question : WHAT EUROPEAN AIRPORT IS NAMED AFTER THE COMPOSER FREDERIC CHOPIN? Here is the option for the question : Frankfurt, Germany Vienna, Austria Prague, Czechia Warsaw, Poland The Answer: And, the answer for the the question is : Warsaw, Poland Explanation: [STC00312] The Chopin Airport in Warsaw is Poland’s busiest airport,… Continue reading What European airport is named after the composer Frederic Chopin?


Where is the world’s oldest continuously held sailing regatta?

Here is the question : WHERE IS THE WORLD’S OLDEST CONTINUOUSLY HELD SAILING REGATTA? Here is the option for the question : Monaco Saint Maarten Miami Sydney The Answer: And, the answer for the the question is : Sydney Explanation: [STC00308] The Australia Day Regatta, which will be celebrating its 184th year in 2020, takes… Continue reading Where is the world’s oldest continuously held sailing regatta?
