What does the 22nd Amendment do?


Here is the question : WHAT DOES THE 22ND AMENDMENT DO?


Here is the option for the question :

  • Establishes freedom of the press
  • Prohibits cruel and unusual punishment
  • Defines citizenship
  • Sets presidential term limits

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :

Sets presidential term limits


All U.S. Presidents prior to Franklin D. Roosevelt served for a maximum of two terms. This is largely due to George Washington, who resigned after his second term as president to set an unofficial precedent. However, Franklin D. Roosevelt did not feel bound by such limitations and became the first and only President to run for and win a third and fourth term. In spite of widespread public support for Roosevelt’s presidency, many lawmakers were opposed to the idea of limitless terms in office out of concern that power would be abused. The 22nd Amendment, which puts a cap on a president’s terms in office at two, was therefore publicly presented in 1947. In 1951, the amendment was formally ratified.

What does the 22nd Amendment do?
The 22nd Amendment to the United States Constitution sets term limits for the President of the United States. Adopted in 1951, the amendment was a response to the unprecedented four-term presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt, who served from 1933 to 1945.

Prior to the 22nd Amendment, there were no term limits for the presidency. This meant that a president could potentially serve for an indefinite number of terms, as long as they were re-elected by the electorate. This system was based on the assumption that the voters would ultimately be the ones to decide when a president had served long enough, and that there was no need for a constitutional limit on presidential terms.

The presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt, however, changed this assumption. Roosevelt was elected to four terms, serving from 1933 to 1945. His lengthy presidency raised concerns among some politicians and members of the public, who felt that the presidency was becoming too powerful and that the president was becoming too entrenched in office.

In response to these concerns, Congress proposed the 22nd Amendment in 1947. The amendment was ratified by the requisite number of states in 1951, and it became part of the Constitution.

The 22nd Amendment sets a limit of two terms for the presidency. This means that no person can be elected to more than two terms as president, or serve as president for more than ten years if they are serving out the remainder of another president’s term. There are someexceptions to this rule, however. If a vice president assumes the presidency due to the death, resignation, or removal of the president, and serves less than two years of the term, they can still be elected to two full terms of their own. Additionally, if a person serves as president for less than two years due to these circumstances, it does not count towards their term limit.

The 22nd Amendment has had a significant impact on American politics and the presidency. It has ensured that no president can become too powerful or entrenched in office, and it has helped to maintain the integrity of the democratic process. The amendment has also had an impact on presidential campaigns, as candidates are now more likely to focus on their accomplishments and plans for the future, rather than on their ability to stay in office.

the 22nd Amendment has been the subject of some controversy and debate. Some argue that term limits are undemocratic, as they limit the ability of voters to choose their leaders. Others argue that term limits are necessary to prevent corruption and abuse of power, and to ensure that the presidency remains accountable to the people.

the 22nd Amendment remains an important part of the American political system, setting limits on presidential power and ensuring that the presidency remains responsive to the will of the people. While there may be ongoing debate about the merits of term limits, the amendment re