What was the first of the Labours of Hercules?




Here is the option for the question :

  • Crush a bolder
  • Outrace Hermes
  • Capture Cerberus
  • Slay Nemean lion

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :



Hercules was dispatched to the oracle at Delphi to make amends for murdering his own family. Hercules was ordered by the oracle to serve King Eurystheus, who instructed him he must do a series of 12 impossible tasks (later dubbed the “Labors of Hercules”) before he could be forgiven and set free. First, a Nemean lion had to be killed. After completing his labors, Heracles was finally free.

What was the first of the Labours of Hercules?
In ancient Greek mythology, Heracles (known to the Romans as Hercules) was a hero of incredible strength and courage. He was the son of Zeus and a mortal woman named Alcmene, and was known for his numerous feats of bravery and heroism. One of his most famous exploits was the completion of the Twelve Labors, a series of incredible tasks that were said to be impossible for any mortal to accomplish.

The first of these labors was to slay the Nemean Lion, a fearsome creature that was said to be invulnerable to all weapons. According to legend, the Nemean Lion was terrorizing the countryside around the city of Nemea, killing livestock and even people. Heracles was tasked with killing the beast and bringing its pelt back to King Eurystheus, who had ordered the labors as a way of punishing Heracles for a crime he had committed.

When Heracles arrived in Nemea, he quickly realized that the lion was indeed a formidable opponent. He tried to shoot it with arrows, but they bounced off its thick hide. He then tried to kill it with his club, but that too proved to be useless. Finally, he realized that the only way to defeat the lion was to strangle it with his bare hands.

After a brutal wrestling match, Heracles managed to choke the Nemean Lion to death. He then used the lion’s own claws to skin it, creating a pelt that was said to be impervious to all weapons. He brought the pelt back to King Eurystheus, who was so terrified by the sight of it that he ordered Heracles to hang it in his palace as a warning to others.

The slaying of the Nemean Lion was just the first of Heracles’ incredible labors. He would go on to complete eleven more, including tasks such as capturing the Erymanthian Boar, cleaning the Augean Stables, and stealing the apples of the Hesperides. Each of these labors was said to be even more difficult than the last, but Heracles never faltered. Through his strength, courage, and cunning, he was able to overcome every challenge that was thrown his way.

the story of the first of the Twelve Labors of Hercules remains a beloved tale of heroism and bravery. It has been retold in countless works of art and literature, and serves as a testament to the power of determination and the human spirit. Heracles may have been a mythological figure, but his legend lives on as a symbol of the incredible things that can be accomplished through hard work, perseverance, and a little bit of luck.