Here is the question :
Here is the option for the question :
- Finland
- Norway
- Denmark
- Sweden
The Answer:
And, the answer for the the question is :
[STC002883] Ask the people of Bhutan how happiness is evaluated on a global scale and you’ll have your answer. By adding up a number of attainable life goals, the kingdom came up with the Gross National Happiness (GNH) index. Following in Bhutan’s footsteps, the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network has published their annual World Happiness Report, which hailed Finland as the happiest country in the world for the year 2018. Bhutan came in second place. Ranking 156 countries on life expectancy, corruption, freedom, social support, generosity, and GDP – and, premiering this year, the happiness levels of immigrants – 5.5 million Finns enjoy a healthy environment, low crime and, well, happiness. This is not the first time that Scandinavia has occupied the top rank on the index; Norway and Denmark have held this position for the past two years.