What was the Empire State Building nicknamed when it opened?

Question Here is the question : WHAT WAS THE EMPIRE STATE BUILDING NICKNAMED WHEN IT OPENED? Option Here is the option for the question : The “Empressive” State Building The Empowered State Building The Impish State Building The Empty State Building The Answer: And, the answer for the the question is : The Empty State … Read more

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Where can you find a brewery making beer from 25,000-year-old icebergs?

Question Here is the question : WHERE CAN YOU FIND A BREWERY MAKING BEER FROM 25,000-YEAR-OLD ICEBERGS? Option Here is the option for the question : Iceland Newfoundland Alaska Norway The Answer: And, the answer for the the question is : Newfoundland Explanation: If you prefer your beer really cold, you won’t find a better … Read more

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What country is called the “Land of the Eternal Blue Sky”?

Question Here is the question : WHAT COUNTRY IS CALLED THE “LAND OF THE ETERNAL BLUE SKY”? Option Here is the option for the question : Azerbaijan Australia Brazil Mongolia The Answer: And, the answer for the the question is : Mongolia Explanation: Mongolia has the world’s smallest population per square kilometer of any independent … Read more

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What is the only U.S. National Park to fully close each winter?

Question Here is the question : WHAT IS THE ONLY U.S. NATIONAL PARK TO FULLY CLOSE EACH WINTER? Option Here is the option for the question : Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota Isle Royale National Park, Michigan Gates of the Arctic National Park, Alaska The Answer: And, the … Read more

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Where is the largest underwater waterfall on Earth?

Question Here is the question : WHERE IS THE LARGEST UNDERWATER WATERFALL ON EARTH? Option Here is the option for the question : English Channel Panama Canal Denmark Strait Tasmanian Sea The Answer: And, the answer for the the question is : Denmark Strait Explanation: There are, in fact, waterfalls that are located below the … Read more

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New Caledonia is in the South Pacific, but where is the original Caledonia?

Question Here is the question : NEW CALEDONIA IS IN THE SOUTH PACIFIC, BUT WHERE IS THE ORIGINAL CALEDONIA? Option Here is the option for the question : England Scotland Russia Norway The Answer: And, the answer for the the question is : Scotland Explanation: Caledonia was the name given by the Romans to an … Read more

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Which U.S. city has the highest concentration of frozen custard shops per capita?

Question Here is the question : WHICH U.S. CITY HAS THE HIGHEST CONCENTRATION OF FROZEN CUSTARD SHOPS PER CAPITA? Option Here is the option for the question : New York, New York Milwaukee, Wisconsin St. Louis, Missouri Chicago, Illinois The Answer: And, the answer for the the question is : Milwaukee, Wisconsin Explanation: Even though … Read more

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What nation is nicknamed the Friendly Islands?

Question Here is the question : WHAT NATION IS NICKNAMED THE FRIENDLY ISLANDS? Option Here is the option for the question : Singapore Tonga Jamaica Fiji The Answer: And, the answer for the the question is : Tonga Explanation: Tonga is a nation comprised of around 170 islands located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. These … Read more

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Bubble tea originated in which East Asian country?

Question Here is the question : BUBBLE TEA ORIGINATED IN WHICH EAST ASIAN COUNTRY? Option Here is the option for the question : Malaysia Japan South Korea Taiwan The Answer: And, the answer for the the question is : Taiwan Explanation: Bubble tea, also known as boba, is a cold, milky tea that is typically … Read more

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Which state has a “Blues Trail”?

Question Here is the question : WHICH STATE HAS A “BLUES TRAIL”? Option Here is the option for the question : Mississippi Georgia Tennessee Illinois The Answer: And, the answer for the the question is : Mississippi Explanation: The state of Mississippi has long played a significant role in the history of blues music, which … Read more

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