Which U.S. national park contains the highest elevation point in North America?

Question Here is the question : WHICH U.S. NATIONAL PARK CONTAINS THE HIGHEST ELEVATION POINT IN NORTH AMERICA? Option Here is the option for the question : Wrangell-St. Elias Glacier Bay Sequoia Denali The Answer: And, the answer for the the question is : Denali Explanation: Denali National Park in Alaska is home to the … Read more

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Where can you visit Mark Twain National Forest?

Question Here is the question : WHERE CAN YOU VISIT MARK TWAIN NATIONAL FOREST? Option Here is the option for the question : Connecticut Texas Oregon Missouri The Answer: And, the answer for the the question is : Missouri Explanation: One of the most well-known natives of Missouri was honored with the naming of the … Read more

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Which country is home to the world’s largest hourglass?

Question Here is the question : WHICH COUNTRY IS HOME TO THE WORLD’S LARGEST HOURGLASS? Option Here is the option for the question : Russia Japan United Kingdom Sweden The Answer: And, the answer for the the question is : Japan Explanation: It’s pretty hard to miss the time in Nima, Japan, where the world’s … Read more

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What country has appointed cats as train station masters?

Question Here is the question : WHAT COUNTRY HAS APPOINTED CATS AS TRAIN STATION MASTERS? Option Here is the option for the question : New Zealand France Japan Ukraine The Answer: And, the answer for the the question is : Japan Explanation: In the late 1990s, a calico kitten with the name Tama started wandering … Read more

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What country is called “the warm heart of Africa”?

Question Here is the question : WHAT COUNTRY IS CALLED “THE WARM HEART OF AFRICA”? Option Here is the option for the question : Tanzania Ethiopia Malawi Ghana The Answer: And, the answer for the the question is : Malawi Explanation: You can discover the “warm heart” of Africa pulsating in the southeastern region of … Read more

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Where is the oldest surviving bridge in the U.S.?

Question Here is the question : WHERE IS THE OLDEST SURVIVING BRIDGE IN THE U.S.? Option Here is the option for the question : New York Tennessee California Pennsylvania The Answer: And, the answer for the the question is : Pennsylvania Explanation: The Frankford Avenue Bridge, the King’s Highway Bridge, the Holmesburg Bridge, the Pennypack … Read more

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What is the only state with an official drinking toast?

Question Here is the question : WHAT IS THE ONLY STATE WITH AN OFFICIAL DRINKING TOAST? Option Here is the option for the question : North Carolina New York Connecticut California The Answer: And, the answer for the the question is : North Carolina Explanation: ‘Here, here!’ To make a toast in North Carolina requires … Read more

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Which state quarter features Helen Keller?

Question Here is the question : WHICH STATE QUARTER FEATURES HELEN KELLER? Option Here is the option for the question : Arkansas Alabama Mississippi Louisiana The Answer: And, the answer for the the question is : Alabama Explanation: It should come as no surprise that the state quarter showing the author, activist, and lecturer Hellen … Read more

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Where can you visit the original Anheuser-Busch brewery?

Question Here is the question : WHERE CAN YOU VISIT THE ORIGINAL ANHEUSER-BUSCH BREWERY? Option Here is the option for the question : Milwaukee St. Louis Omaha Denver The Answer: And, the answer for the the question is : St. Louis Explanation: The breaking open of a frozen state Drinking Budweiser is a time-honored tradition … Read more

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In what country do people practice shrimp fishing on horseback?

Question Here is the question : IN WHAT COUNTRY DO PEOPLE PRACTICE SHRIMP FISHING ON HORSEBACK? Option Here is the option for the question : Switzerland Belgium Vietnam Peru The Answer: And, the answer for the the question is : Belgium Explanation: Oostduinkerke, which is located in the southwest of Belgium, is the only area … Read more

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