What is the Gateway Arch the symbolic gateway to?

Question Here is the question : WHAT IS THE GATEWAY ARCH THE SYMBOLIC GATEWAY TO? Option Here is the option for the question : The city of St. Louis The future The American West Hope The Answer: And, the answer for the the question is : The American West Explanation: Yes, there is a justification … Read more

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Where will you find a lake that mysteriously vanishes and reappears regularly?

Question Here is the question : WHERE WILL YOU FIND A LAKE THAT MYSTERIOUSLY VANISHES AND REAPPEARS REGULARLY? Option Here is the option for the question : New Zealand Lichtenstein China Northern Ireland The Answer: And, the answer for the the question is : Northern Ireland Explanation: A place in Northern Ireland called ‘The Vanishing … Read more

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Which country has the world’s shortest written constitution?

Question Here is the question : WHICH COUNTRY HAS THE WORLD’S SHORTEST WRITTEN CONSTITUTION? Option Here is the option for the question : Monaco United States Vatican City India The Answer: And, the answer for the the question is : Monaco Explanation: It is only fitting that the constitution of Monaco reflect the fact that … Read more

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Which U.S. city has a famous rotating carousel-themed bar?

Question Here is the question : WHICH U.S. CITY HAS A FAMOUS ROTATING CAROUSEL-THEMED BAR? Option Here is the option for the question : New Orleans Las Vegas Miami New York City The Answer: And, the answer for the the question is : New Orleans Explanation: The elegant Hotel Monteleone features a room that genuinely … Read more

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What country has a bay known for its annual arrival of firefly squid?

Question Here is the question : WHAT COUNTRY HAS A BAY KNOWN FOR ITS ANNUAL ARRIVAL OF FIREFLY SQUID? Option Here is the option for the question : Japan Thailand New Zealand Iceland The Answer: And, the answer for the the question is : Japan Explanation: Toyama Bay, on Japan’s west coast, is one of … Read more

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Which country has the world’s oldest continuously-used national flag?

Question Here is the question : WHICH COUNTRY HAS THE WORLD’S OLDEST CONTINUOUSLY-USED NATIONAL FLAG? Option Here is the option for the question : Moldova Bulgaria Bhutan Denmark The Answer: And, the answer for the the question is : Denmark Explanation: Although several countries lay claim to the world’s oldest flag, the ‘Dannebrog’ or ‘Danish … Read more

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How many countries are in Asia?

Question Here is the question : HOW MANY COUNTRIES ARE IN ASIA? Option Here is the option for the question : 13 22 48 31 The Answer: And, the answer for the the question is : 48 Explanation: According to World Atlas, Asia is home to forty-two countries. Considering that Asia is the world’s largest … Read more

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Which of these cities features drinking fountains on fire hydrants?

Question Here is the question : WHICH OF THESE CITIES FEATURES DRINKING FOUNTAINS ON FIRE HYDRANTS? Option Here is the option for the question : Barcelona, Spain Budapest, Hungary Copenhagen, Denmark Vienna, Austria The Answer: And, the answer for the the question is : Budapest, Hungary Explanation: Thirsty? In the event that you find yourself … Read more

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