Here is the question : QUESTION : WHICH PRESENT-DAY COUNTRY CONSTITUTES THE ANCIENT LAND OF MESOPOTAMIA? Here is the option for the question : Iraq Turkey Greece Romania And, the answer for the the question : ‘Which present-day country constitutes the ancient land of Mesopotamia?’ is IRAQ Disclaimer: This page is made in order to… Continue reading Which present-day country constitutes the ancient land of Mesopotamia?
Hibernia is the ancient name of what European country?
Here is the question : QUESTION : HIBERNIA IS THE ANCIENT NAME OF WHAT EUROPEAN COUNTRY? Here is the option for the question : Switzerland France Ireland Germany And, the answer for the the question : ‘Hibernia is the ancient name of what European country?’ is IRELAND Disclaimer: This page is made in order to… Continue reading Hibernia is the ancient name of what European country?
Which country used to be known as Ceylon?
Here is the question : QUESTION : WHICH COUNTRY USED TO BE KNOWN AS CEYLON? Here is the option for the question : Pakistan Spain Bolivia Sri Lanka And, the answer for the the question : ‘Which country used to be known as Ceylon?’ is SRI LANKA Disclaimer: This page is made in order to… Continue reading Which country used to be known as Ceylon?
What English-language name did the Czech Republic adopt in 2016?
Here is the question : QUESTION : WHAT ENGLISH-LANGUAGE NAME DID THE CZECH REPUBLIC ADOPT IN 2016? Here is the option for the question : Chechen Czechoslovakia Slovakian Republic Czechia And, the answer for the the question : ‘What English-language name did the Czech Republic adopt in 2016? ‘ is CZECHIA Disclaimer: This page is… Continue reading What English-language name did the Czech Republic adopt in 2016?
What was Thailand’s previous name?
Here is the question : QUESTION : WHAT WAS THAILAND’S PREVIOUS NAME? Here is the option for the question : Siam Peking Burma Saigon And, the answer for the the question : ‘What was Thailand’s previous name?’ is SIAM Disclaimer: This page is made in order to provide you with the most Correct answer from… Continue reading What was Thailand’s previous name?
Most of modern-day France was once called what?
“Here is the question : QUESTION : MOST OF MODERN-DAY FRANCE WAS ONCE CALLED WHAT? Here is the option for the question : Bavaria Saxony Gaul Babylon And, the answer for the the question : ‘Most of modern-day France was once called what?’ is GAUL Disclaimer: This page is made in order to provide you… Continue reading Most of modern-day France was once called what?
World War I began when Austria-Hungary declared war on what country?
“Here is the question : QUESTION : WORLD WAR I BEGAN WHEN AUSTRIA-HUNGARY DECLARED WAR ON WHAT COUNTRY? Here is the option for the question : Poland Serbia Czechoslovakia Bulgaria And, the answer for the the question : ‘World War I began when Austria-Hungary declared war on what country? ‘ is SERBIA Disclaimer: This page… Continue reading World War I began when Austria-Hungary declared war on what country?
Dogs are banned from which continent?
“Here is the question : QUESTION : DOGS ARE BANNED FROM WHICH CONTINENT? Here is the option for the question : Australia Africa Asia Antarctica And, the answer for the the question : ‘Dogs are banned from which continent?’ is ANTARCTICA Disclaimer: This page is made in order to provide you with the most Correct… Continue reading Dogs are banned from which continent?
Which line in “The Shining” was improvised?
“Here is the question : QUESTION : WHICH LINE IN “”THE SHINING”” WAS IMPROVISED? Here is the option for the question : “Here’s Johnny!” “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” “Come play with us.” “Redrum” And, the answer for the the question : ‘Which line in “”The Shining”” was improvised? ‘… Continue reading Which line in “The Shining” was improvised?
Where can you find this life-size bookshelf?
“Here is the question : QUESTION : WHERE CAN YOU FIND THIS LIFE-SIZE BOOKSHELF? Here is the option for the question : Houston, Texas Portland, Oregon Seattle, Washington Kansas City, Missouri And, the answer for the the question : ‘Where can you find this life-size bookshelf? ‘ is KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI Disclaimer: This page is… Continue reading Where can you find this life-size bookshelf?