Where is this natural monument known as the “Walls of China”?

Question Here is the question : WHERE IS THIS NATURAL MONUMENT KNOWN AS THE “WALLS OF CHINA”? Option Here is the option for the question : Zion National Park, United States Mungo National Park, Australia Torres del Paine National Park, Chile Parque Nacional Talampaya, Argentina The Answer: And, the answer for the the question is … Read more

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What was the Greek hero Achilles’ one weak point?

Question Here is the question : WHAT WAS THE GREEK HERO ACHILLES’ ONE WEAK POINT? Option Here is the option for the question : His hair His heart His heel His elbow The Answer: And, the answer for the the question is : His heel Explanation: Achilles was one of Greek mythology’s greatest warriors, and … Read more

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Forrest Gump says that “life is like a box of” what?

Question Here is the question : FORREST GUMP SAYS THAT “LIFE IS LIKE A BOX OF” WHAT? Option Here is the option for the question : Berries Chocolates Cookies Oranges The Answer: And, the answer for the the question is : Chocolates Explanation: Few movie lines are as well-known as this one from the 1994 … Read more

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Dorothy’s heel-clicking line “There’s no place like home” refers to where?

Question Here is the question : DOROTHY’S HEEL-CLICKING LINE “THERE’S NO PLACE LIKE HOME” REFERS TO WHERE? Option Here is the option for the question : Georgia Oregon Kansas Vermont The Answer: And, the answer for the the question is : Kansas Explanation: The film ‘The Wizard of Oz’ (1939) is a cinematic masterpiece with … Read more

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“I’ll be back” and “Hasta la vista, baby” are quotes from which franchise?

Question Here is the question : “I’LL BE BACK” AND “HASTA LA VISTA, BABY” ARE QUOTES FROM WHICH FRANCHISE? Option Here is the option for the question : RoboCop Terminator Predator Alien The Answer: And, the answer for the the question is : Terminator Explanation: since a cyborg assassin, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Terminator persona is both … Read more

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Which Mediterranean island does NOT belong to Greece?

Question Here is the question : WHICH MEDITERRANEAN ISLAND DOES NOT BELONG TO GREECE? Option Here is the option for the question : Crete Santorini Corsica Rhodes The Answer: And, the answer for the the question is : Corsica Explanation: The Greek islands are among the most well-known in the Mediterranean, attracting people from all … Read more

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Who famously performed for inmates at Folsom Prison in 1968?

Question Here is the question : WHO FAMOUSLY PERFORMED FOR INMATES AT FOLSOM PRISON IN 1968? Option Here is the option for the question : Johnny Cash The Supremes The Who Tony Bennett The Answer: And, the answer for the the question is : JOHNNY CASH Explanation: On January 13, 1968, Johnny Cash gave one … Read more

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What Creedence Clearwater Revival song became an antiwar anthem?

Question Here is the question : WHAT CREEDENCE CLEARWATER REVIVAL SONG BECAME AN ANTIWAR ANTHEM? Option Here is the option for the question : Fortunate Son Bad Moon Rising Ohio Give Peace a Chance The Answer: And, the answer for the the question is : FORTUNATE SON Explanation: The 1960s were distinguished by anti-war sentiments … Read more

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What song did Frank Sinatra’s daughter Nancy release in 1966?

Question Here is the question : WHAT SONG DID FRANK SINATRA’S DAUGHTER NANCY RELEASE IN 1966? Option Here is the option for the question : These Boots Are Made for Walkin’ Those Were the Days Be My Baby Stand By Your Man The Answer: And, the answer for the the question is : THESE BOOTS … Read more

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Released in 1964, what musical is Elvis’ highest-grossing film?

Question Here is the question : RELEASED IN 1964, WHAT MUSICAL IS ELVIS’ HIGHEST-GROSSING FILM? Option Here is the option for the question : Viva Las Vegas Love Me Tender Blue Hawaii Jailhouse Rock The Answer: And, the answer for the the question is : VIVA LAS VEGAS Explanation: ‘Viva Las Vegas’ is the highest-grossing … Read more

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