What is the smallest planet in our solar system?




Here is the option for the question :

  • Mars
  • Mercury
  • Venus
  • Neptune

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :



Our solar system’s smallest planet is also the one that orbits closest to the sun. Compared to Earth’s 6,378 kilometers (3,958 miles), Mercury’s equatorial radius is only 2,440 kilometers (1,516 miles). When compared to Jupiter’s moons, Mercury is much more diminutive.

What is the smallest planet in our solar system?
Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system, and it is also the closest planet to the sun. It is named after the Roman messenger god, and it is known for its extreme temperatures, long days, and lack of atmosphere.

Mercury’s small size is due to its proximity to the sun. The intense gravitational pull of the sun prevents the planet from accumulating more mass and leads to a compressed, rocky composition. Despite its small size, Mercury is still larger than some moons in our solar system, such as Saturn’s moon, Mimas.

One of the most notable features of Mercury is its extreme temperatures. Because it is so close to the sun, temperatures on the planet can reach up to 800 degrees Fahrenheit (427 degrees Celsius) during the day. At night, temperatures can drop to as low as -290 degrees Fahrenheit (-180 degrees Celsius), making it one of the most extreme temperature ranges in the solar system.

Another unique characteristic of Mercury is its long days. It takes the planet about 59 Earth days to complete one rotation on its axis and about 88 Earth days to complete one orbit around the sun. This means that one day on Mercury lasts almost two Earth months, and one year on Mercury is less than three Earth months.

Mercury’s lack of atmosphere is also noteworthy. The planet’s weak gravity is not strong enough to hold onto an atmosphere, and so it is constantly bombarded by solar winds and radiation from the sun. As a result, the planet’s surface is barren and rocky, with no signs of liquid water or organic life.

Mercury has been the subject of several scientific studies and missions. NASA’s Messenger mission, which launched in 2004 and orbited the planet from 2011 to 2015, provided new insights into the planet’s geology, composition, and magnetic field.

Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system, with a compressed, rocky composition due to its proximity to the sun. It is known for its extreme temperatures, long days, and lack of atmosphere, making it a harsh and unforgiving environment. Despite these challenges, Mercury has been the focus of several scientific missions, providing valuable insights into the formation and evolution of planets in our solar system and beyond.