Which President’s face is NOT carved into Mount Rushmore?




Here is the option for the question :

  • Thomas Jefferson
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • George Washington
  • Theodore Roosevelt

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :

Franklin D. Roosevelt


The heads of the first four presidents of the United States are etched into the granite face of Mount Rushmore. They are, in order, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson. George Washington is on the far left. On the other hand, Franklin D. Roosevelt is not counted among them. The sculptor of Mount Rushmore decided to depict these four presidents because he considered that they best exemplified the most significant historical moments in American history.

Which President`s face is NOT carved into Mount Rushmore?
Mount Rushmore, located in the Black Hills of South Dakota, is one of the most iconic landmarks in the United States. The granite mountain features the faces of four U.S. Presidents – George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt. But there is one notable absence from the monument – Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Roosevelt, who served as President from 1933 to 1945, is often considered one of the greatest Presidents in U.S. history. He led the country through the Great Depression and World War II, and his New Deal policies helped to transform the country and protect the rights of workers and minorities.

Roosevelt’s face was never carved into Mount Rushmore. The monument was conceived in the 1920s by South Dakota historian Doane Robinson and sculptor Gutzon Borglum. The original plan called for the monument to feature the faces of famous western figures, such as Lewis and Clark and Buffalo Bill Cody.

However, Borglum soon realized that western figures would not be enough to draw tourists to the area. He proposed the idea of carving the faces of U.S. Presidents into the mountain, and construction began in 1927.

Borglum chose the four Presidents who appeared on the monument based on their contributions to American history. Washington was selected for his leadership during the Revolutionary War and his role as the first President. Jefferson was chosen for his writing of the Declaration of Independence and his advocacy for individual rights. Lincoln was selected for his leadership during the Civil War and his role in ending slavery. Roosevelt’s distant cousin, Theodore Roosevelt, was chosen for his leadership in conservation and his efforts to expand the power of the presidency.

Franklin D. Roosevelt did not make the cut. Some historians speculate that Roosevelt’s New Deal policies and his role in expanding the power of the federal government may have made him a controversial choice for the monument. Others note that the monument was completed in 1941, before Roosevelt’s presidency had ended, and that there was not enough time to add his face to the mountain.

Regardless of the reasons behind Roosevelt’s exclusion, Mount Rushmore remains a powerful symbol of American history and the achievements of its leaders. While Roosevelt’s face may not be carved into the granite, his legacy lives on through his many accomplishments and the enduring impact of his policies on American society.