Which island paves its roads with coral?




Here is the option for the question :

  • Vele Srakane
  • New Zealand
  • Oahu
  • Guam

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :



The island of Guam and its beaches lack natural sand and instead are outfitted with coral, which is abundant in the surrounding ocean. In place of asphalt, the roads on this island are made of a mixture of oil and coral, which is then paved. During wet weather, the oil floats to the surface of the road, creating dangerous driving conditions – no wonder the speed limit is a steady 35 mph! The island does not have any motorways; rather, it is connected via a network of smaller paved roads.

Which island paves its roads with coral?
Guam is a tropical island paradise known for its pristine beaches, lush jungles, and vibrant culture. What makes Guam truly unique, though, is that it is paved with coral. Centuries of coral growth have created a network of limestone roads across the island, a natural wonder that attracts visitors from around the world.

Guam’s coral roads are a geological marvel. Over millions of years, tiny coral polyps have cemented together sediment and shell fragments, gradually forming massive limestone structures. The coral reefs surrounding Guam grew so extensive that they eventually fused together, emerging from the sea to create the roads and terrain on land. Today, these ancient coral roads and pathways span over 80% of Guam’s 210 square miles.

Driving on the coral roads is a surreal sensory experience. The limestone is smooth and solid under the tires but has a porous, almost sponge-like texture. Sunlight filters through tiny micro-pores in the rock, dappling the road with shadows. At night, the roads are lit with an eerie blue glow as waves ebb and flow over the reef.

The coral roads are invaluable to Guam’s history, culture, and economy. Early Chamorro settlers were able to travel further inland along the coral roads, enabling the establishment of villages across the island. Today, the main tourist highway and airport run along sections of the ancient coral road network. However, the fragile roads are increasingly at risk of damage and erosion from development, pollution, and climate change.

Preserving Guam’s coral roads should be a high priority, as they are a one-of-a-kind natural and cultural wonder. By protecting the coral reefs, limiting pollution and coastal construction, and promoting sustainable tourism, Guam can ensure that its coral roads continue to pave the way for generations to come. The coral roads of Guam represent a harmony of nature, geology, and human heritage that is truly priceless. They turn everyday driving into an magnificent journey, allowing all who travel them to discover the island’s deepest secrets and natural beauty. Guam’s coral roads pave the way to a sensory adventure like no other.