Which river did Lewis and Clark mostly follow?

Which river did Lewis and Clark mostly follow?

Here is the question :


Here is the option for the question :

  • Yellowstone River
  • Missouri River
  • Colorado River
  • Mississippi River

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :

Missouri River


[STC009482]. In 1804, when Lewis and Clark began out on their journey to discover the West, one of the first things they did was follow the Missouri River all the way to its source. Their journey via this route may have paralleled that of Moncacht-Apé, a Native American explorer from the Yazoo tribe who was supposed to have undertaken the journey in the early 1700s. Moncacht-Apé is said to have traveled from the Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mexico. The 45 ‘Corps of Volunteers’ that would make up the Lewis and Clark expedition were put through their paces at Camp DuBois in St. Louis, Missouri, prior to setting off on their journey. The journey was difficult and consisted of tough travel by boat at an average of around 15 miles per day. It led the Corps of Discovery up the Missouri River to the Columbia River, which winded its way to the Pacific Ocean. They landed on the West Coast in November of 1805, which was more than a year after they had left St. Louis. After that, they returned to St. Louis two years and four months after they had left.

History.com was the source of the information used in this article.
