Which was NOT one of the four humors in ancient medicine?




Here is the option for the question :

  • Blood
  • Sweat
  • Yellow bile
  • Phlegm

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :



It was commonly held during the time of Hippocrates that a person’s state of health was dependent on the equilibrium of their humors. Blood, yellow bile, black bile, and phlegm were the four humors that made up the body. It was believed that disease and mental disorder were caused by an imbalance in these fluids found in the body.

Which was NOT one of the four humors in ancient medicine?
In ancient medicine, the concept of the four humors was a widely accepted theory. This theory held that the body was made up of four distinct fluids, or humors, which needed to be in balance in order for a person to be healthy. The four humors were blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile. Interestingly, sweat was not considered to be one of the humors.

The theory of the four humors was first proposed by the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, and it remained a dominant theory in medicine for centuries. According to the theory, each humor was associated with a different element and had its own unique qualities. Blood was associated with air and was believed to be hot and moist. Phlegm was associated with water and was believed to be cold and moist. Yellow bile was associated with fire and was believed to be hot and dry, while black bile was associated with earth and was believed to be cold and dry.

The balance of these four humors was believed to be crucial for overall health and well-being. An excess or deficiency of any of the humors was thought to lead to illness, and various treatments were used to restore balance. For example, if a person had too much blood, they might be bled to reduce the excess. If a person had too much black bile, they might be given laxatives to help remove it from the body.

Interestingly, sweat was not considered to be one of the humors, despite being a bodily fluid. This is because sweat was believed to be a waste product, rather than a vital fluid like blood or bile. Sweat was seen as a way for the body to rid itself of excess heat and moisture, rather than as a substance with its own unique qualities.

While the theory of the four humors may seem outdated to modern medical practitioners, it was an important step in the development of medical science. It helped early physicians to understand the workings of the human body and to develop treatments for a variety of illnesses. And while sweat may not have been considered one of the humors, it remains an important bodily function that helps to regulate body temperature and maintain overall health.

sweat was not considered to be one of the four humors in ancient medicine. The theory of the four humors was an important step in the development of medical science, and helped early physicians to understand the workings of the human body. While the theory may seem outdated to modern medical practitioners, it remains an important part of medical history. And while sweat may not have been considered one of the humors, it remains an important bodily function that helps to maintain overall health.