“A ___ in a flue were imprisoned, so what could they do?”


Here is the question : “A ___ IN A FLUE WERE IMPRISONED, SO WHAT COULD THEY DO?”


Here is the option for the question :

  • Flea and a fly
  • Gaggle of geese
  • Flock of pheasants
  • Dish and a spoon

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :

Flea and a fly


In this poetry written in the 20th century by Ogden Nash, which also functions as a tongue twister, a flea and a fly are confined inside of a chimney, but they eventually find a way out through a gap. ‘A flea and a fly in a flue were imprisoned, so what could they do?’ said the fly. ‘Let us run!’ shouted the flea. ‘Let us fly!’ said the fly. So they flew through a gap in the flue.’

“A ___ in a flue were imprisoned, so what could they do?”
“A flea and a fly in a flue were imprisoned, so what could they do?” This is a popular riddle that has been passed down through generations. While it may seem like a simple question with an obvious answer, it actually holds a deeper meaning that can be applied to various aspects of life.

Firstly, let’s break down the riddle itself. A flea and a fly are two small insects that are known for their agility and ability to move quickly. However, when they are trapped in a confined space like a flue, their mobility becomes limited. This can be compared to situations in life where we may feel trapped or confined, whether it be in a physical or emotional sense.

But what can the flea and the fly do in this situation? They have limited options and are seemingly powerless. However, there is one thing they can control: their mindset. They can choose to either give up and succumb to their circumstances or find a way to make the best of their situation.

This can be applied to our own lives as well. We may face challenges and obstacles that seem insurmountable, but we always have the power to choose our attitude and mindset towards them. We can either let them defeat us or find a way to overcome them and grow stronger in the process.

Furthermore, the riddle also highlights the importance of resourcefulness and creativity. The flea and the fly may not have many options available to them, but they can use their ingenuity to find a way out of their predicament. They may have to work together and utilize their unique strengths in order to escape.

In our own lives, we may also face situations where we need to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions to our problems. This requires a willingness to try new things and take risks, even if it means stepping outside of our comfort zones.

the riddle “A flea and a fly in a flue were imprisoned, so what could they do?” may seem like a simple question, but it holds valuable lessons that can be applied to various aspects of life. By choosing our mindset, being resourceful, and embracing creativity, we can overcome challenges and grow stronger in the process.