Alf Landon lost the lopsided 1936 election to what candidate?




Here is the option for the question :

  • Herbert Hoover
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower
  • Calvin Coolidge

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :



In 1936, Franklin D. Roosevelt won the presidential election with a comfortable margin of success, garnering 523 electoral votes to his opponent Alf Landon’s meager eight votes. (the states of Maine and Vermont). It was the lowest total number of electoral votes since 1820, when James Monroe won an uncontested election with a tally of 231-1, as one rogue elector gave his vote to John Quincy Adams. This was the lowest total number of electoral votes since 1820.

Alf Landon lost the lopsided 1936 election to what candidate?
The 1936 United States presidential election was one of the most lopsided in American history, with incumbent President Franklin D. Roosevelt defeating Republican nominee Alf Landon by a wide margin. The election was significant for a number of reasons, and its impact is still felt today.

Franklin D. Roosevelt was one of the most popular and influential presidents in American history, and his leadership during the Great Depression and World War II helped to shape the course of the 20th century. He was beloved by many Americans, and his New Deal policies and social programs helped to lift millions of people out of poverty and despair.

Alf Landon, on the other hand, was a relatively unknown politician who lacked the charisma and appeal of Roosevelt. He was seen by many as a stoic and uninspiring candidate, and his campaign was hampered by a lack of funding and support.

Landon and the Republican Party mounted a spirited campaign, and sought to capitalize on the growing opposition to Roosevelt’s New Deal policies. They also sought to portray Roosevelt as a power-hungry and dangerous leader, who was using his position to undermine American democracy.

But these efforts proved to be largely unsuccessful, and Roosevelt won a decisive victory in the election, winning 60.8% of the popular vote and carrying 46 of the 48 states. His victory was a testament to his popularity and leadership, and helped to solidify his place in American history.

The 1936 election also had significant implications for the future of American politics. It marked the beginning of a long period of Democratic dominance, and helped to cement the New Deal coalition that would shape American politics for decades to come. It also marked a turning point in the relationship between the federal government and the American people, as Roosevelt’s social programs and policies helped to create a stronger and more unified society.

the 1936 election was a significant moment in American history, and its impact is still felt today. It was a testament to the power of popular leadership and the importance of strong, decisive leadership in times of crisis. And it helped to shape the course of American politics and society in ways that continue to be felt and debated to this day.