How many justices did Washington appoint to the Supreme Court?




Here is the option for the question :

  • 0
  • 1
  • 4
  • 10

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :



Following the passage of the Judiciary Act in 1789, which served to establish the United States Supreme Court, George Washington named a record number of 10 justices to the court, including two chief justices. The first group of appointees that President Washington made to the Supreme Court consisted of six different people, led by Chief Justice John Jay. In addition, while he was in office, he appointed 28 judges to various district courts throughout the United States.

How many justices did Washington appoint to the Supreme Court?
As the first President of the United States, George Washington had the important task of appointing the first justices to the Supreme Court. Over the course of his presidency, Washington appointed a total of 10 justices to the Supreme Court, helping to establish the foundation of the American judicial system and shaping the course of American history.

Washington’s first appointment to the Supreme Court was John Jay, who served as the first Chief Justice of the United States. Jay was a close ally of Washington, and his appointment was seen as a testament to Washington’s commitment to establishing a strong and independent judiciary.

Over the course of his presidency, Washington appointed a total of 10 justices to the Supreme Court, including notable figures like John Rutledge, William Cushing, and James Wilson. Washington’s appointments helped to shape the course of American jurisprudence, establishing important legal principles and precedents that would guide the country for generations to come.

Washington’s appointments to the Supreme Court were part of a broader effort to establish a strong and independent judiciary in the United States. He saw the judiciary as a crucial branch of government, responsible for interpreting the law and ensuring that the rights of individuals were protected.

Washington’s appointments to the Supreme Court were also notable for their diversity. He appointed justices from a variety of backgrounds and regions, reflecting his commitment to creating a truly national government that represented the interests of all Americans.

Washington’s appointments to the Supreme Court are remembered as a crucial moment in the history of American jurisprudence. His appointments helped to establish the foundation of the American judicial system, shaping the course of American history and ensuring that the rights and liberties of individuals were protected for generations to come.

George Washington’s appointments to the Supreme Court were a crucial moment in the history of American jurisprudence. Over the course of his presidency, Washington appointed a total of 10 justices to the Supreme Court, helping to establish the foundation of the American judicial system and shaping the course of American history. His appointments were notable for their diversity and their commitment to creating a strong and independent judiciary that represented the interests of all Americans. Today, Washington’s appointments to the Supreme Court continue to inspire and influence people around the world, serving as a testament to the enduring legacy of one of America’s greatest founding fathers.