In 1974, Portugal had a revolution named after which flower?




Here is the option for the question :

  • Rose
  • Carnation
  • Lily
  • Chrysanthemum

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :



Portugal had been under a fascist dictatorship for more than 40 years by 1974, but on April 25 of that year, a bloodless revolution dubbed the Carnation Revolution brought in a democratic government. In Lisbon, nonviolent protesters packed the weapons of government soldiers with lovely red carnations as an act of civil disobedience when it appeared as though victory was imminent. On April 25 they commemorate independence in Portugal.

In 1974, Portugal had a revolution named after which flower?
In 1974, Portugal underwent a significant political upheaval that came to be known as the Carnation Revolution. The revolution was named after the carnation flower, which became a symbol of the peaceful transition of power from a dictatorship to a democratic government.

The Carnation Revolution began on April 25, 1974, when a group of military officers led a coup against the authoritarian regime that had been in power since 1926. The coup was largely bloodless, with the military taking control of key government buildings and broadcast studios without much resistance.

The revolution was different from other military coups in that it was largely peaceful and non-violent. The military officers who led the coup were not interested in holding onto power themselves, but rather in establishing a democratic government that would represent the interests of the people.

The carnation flower became a symbol of the revolution when a group of women began handing out carnations to the soldiers who had taken control of the streets. The women had heard that the soldiers were using live ammunition against protesters, and wanted to show them that the people were on their side. They handed out the flowers as a sign of peace and solidarity, and the soldiers responded by placing the flowers in their rifle barrels.

The image of soldiers with carnations in their rifles became an iconic symbol of the revolution, and the carnation flower itself became a powerful symbol of the movement towards democracy and freedom. The peaceful and non-violent nature of the revolution was a stark contrast to the violent and bloody coups that had taken place in other parts of the world, and its success inspired similar movements in other countries.

The Carnation Revolution ultimately led to the establishment of a democratic government in Portugal, with free elections and a new constitution. It was a turning point in the country’s history, and laid the foundation for the Portugal that we know today.

the Carnation Revolution was a significant political upheaval that took place in Portugal in 1974. The revolution was named after the carnation flower, which became a symbol of the peaceful transition of power from a dictatorship to a democratic government. The revolution was largely non-violent, and led to the establishment of a democratic government that represented the interests of the people. The Carnation Revolution was a turning point in Portugal’s history, and its legacy is still felt today.