In Connecticut, it’s illegal for which vegetable to NOT bounce?




Here is the option for the question :

  • Onion
  • Tomato
  • Pickle
  • Eggplant

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :



In 1948, two pickle packers were apprehended while attempting to sell spoiled pickles to customers. Connecticut’s food and drug commissioner Frederick Holbrook discussed ways to check if your pickle was fresh and created a regulation that a pickle should bounce when dropped 1 foot off the ground.

In Connecticut, it’s illegal for which vegetable to NOT bounce?
Connecticut is known for its picturesque New England scenery, as well as its quirky laws and regulations. One such law that has gained notoriety is the requirement that pickles sold in the state must bounce. That’s right – in Connecticut, it is illegal for pickles to not bounce.

The origins of this law are somewhat unclear, but it is believed to date back to the early 20th century, when pickles were a popular snack and staple of many households. At the time, there were concerns about the safety and quality of pickles sold in stores, as well as concerns about the use of preservatives and other additives.

In response to these concerns, Connecticut passed a law requiring that pickles sold in the state must meet certain quality standards. Specifically, the law requires that pickles must bounce when dropped from a height of one inch, in order to demonstrate their freshness and quality.

While the law may seem strange or arbitrary, it is actually based on sound scientific principles. A pickle that bounces is one that is fresh and has the correct acidity level. When pickles are made, they are preserved through a process of fermentation, which creates lactic acid. If the acidity level is too low, the pickles may spoil or become unsafe to eat. Bouncing pickles is a simple and effective way to test for proper acidity levels, and ensure that the pickles are safe and of high quality.

it has been the subjectof much amusement and ridicule over the years. Some have questioned the practicality of the law, and others have poked fun at the idea of bouncing pickles. Nonetheless, the law remains on the books in Connecticut, and is enforced by state regulators.

Connecticut has a number of other regulations related to food safety and quality. For example, the state has strict regulations around the sale of raw milk and the use of pesticides in farming. Connecticut also has a strong tradition of promoting local and sustainable agriculture, and has a number of programs and initiatives aimed at supporting small farmers and promoting healthy, locally grown food.

While the law requiring pickles to bounce may seem like a quirky and lighthearted example of Connecticut’s idiosyncrasies, it is important to remember that regulations like these are often put in place for valid reasons. In this case, the law is intended to promote food safety and quality, and ensure that consumers are getting fresh, high-quality pickles.

Whether or not one agrees with the law, it is an interesting example of the role that regulation can play in shaping our food system and ensuring that we have access to safe, healthy, and high-quality food. And who knows – maybe bouncing pickles will become the norm in other parts of the country as well.