In France, Easter treats are delivered by what?




Here is the option for the question :

  • Friendly witches
  • Hot air balloons
  • The Seine River
  • Flying church bells

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :

Flying church bells


The Thursday before Easter, also known as Maundy Thursday, is observed as a day of silence throughout France’s Christian churches. It is said that during this time of year, the bells, which are referred to as “cloche volant,” develop wings and fly to the Vatican to lament the death of Jesus. This belief comes from a long-standing tradition. On Easter morning, the bells return to France after being blessed by the Pope, and they ring out as youngsters seek for eggs and other Easter delicacies that have been delivered to their yards. In France, Easter is a national holiday.

In France, Easter treats are delivered by what?
In France, Easter is celebrated in a unique and charming way: by the delivery of Easter treats by flying church bells. This tradition, known as “Cloches Volantes” or “Flying Bells,” is a beloved part of French Easter celebrations and has been a tradition in the country for centuries.

The tradition of the flying church bells dates back to the Middle Ages, when it was believed that all the church bells in France flew to the Vatican in Rome to be blessed by the Pope. The bells would then fly back to France, delivering Easter treats to children along the way.

the tradition of the flying church bells continues in many parts of France. On the Thursday before Easter, church bells across the country are silenced, and they do not ring again until Easter Sunday. It is believed that during this time, the bells fly to Rome to be blessed by the Pope.

On Easter Sunday morning, the bells return to France, and they are said to deliver Easter treats to children. The treats are often chocolate eggs, bunnies, or other sweets, and they are eagerly awaited by children across the country.

The tradition of the flying church bells is a beloved part of French culture and a testament to the enduring power of tradition and folklore. It is a reminder of the importance of community and the joy that can be found in the simple pleasures of life.

Whether you are a resident of France or simply a visitor to the country, the Easter season is a wonderful time to experience the unique and charming traditions that define this special time of year. So come and enjoy the flying church bells, and celebrate Easter in a truly unforgettable way.