In Greek mythology, what is the name of the hero who was dipped in the River Styx? Explained

In Greek mythology, what is the name of the hero who was dipped in the River Styx? Explained

Achilles, the Greek hero, underwent a ritual in the River Styx as per mythology. Thetis, his mother, aimed to render him invincible by submerging him in the mystical waters of the river. However, she grasped him by his heel, leaving that specific area untouched by the water, thus creating his sole vulnerable point. Renowned as one of the most formidable warriors in Greek legends, Achilles played a pivotal role in the Trojan War, as depicted in The Iliad. His demise occurred when he received a fatal blow to his heel with an arrow, resulting in his death—a significant event that popularized the expression “Achilles’ heel,” denoting an individual’s singular weakness.