Japan’s Ōkunoshima island is populated by what animal?




Here is the option for the question :

  • Alligators
  • Rabbits
  • Emus
  • Koalas

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :



kunoshima is a Japanese island that is also referred to as “Rabbit Island” due to the large number of rabbits that are free to explore the island’s terrain. The population of rabbits on the island has only increased over the years as a result of the absence of natural predators. This is despite the fact that it is unclear whether the rabbits were formerly used as laboratory animals or whether they were simply released in conjunction with the construction of a new park on the island.

Japan’s Ōkunoshima island is populated by what animal?
Ōkunoshima is a small island located off the coast of Japan’s Hiroshima Prefecture, and it is known for its unique and adorable population of rabbits. The island, also known as “Rabbit Island,” is home to thousands of wild rabbits that roam free and interact with visitors, making it a popular destination for tourists and animal lovers from around the world.

The history of Ōkunoshima is closely linked to the rabbits that now call it home. During World War II, the island was used as a secret base for the production of chemical weapons, and the rabbits were brought to the island to serve as test subjects for the deadly gases. After the war, the rabbits were released into the wild, and over the years they have multiplied and flourished on the island.

the rabbits of Ōkunoshima are a beloved and iconic part of Japanese culture and tourism. Visitors to the island can interact with the rabbits, feeding them carrots and other treats and taking photos with them. The rabbits are friendly and approachable, and have become something of a symbol of peace and harmony in Japan.

however, the rabbits of Ōkunoshima face a number of challenges and threats. In recent years, there has been concern over the impact of tourism on the island’s ecosystem, as visitors bring in food and other items that can disrupt the delicate balance of the island’s natural environment.

In addition, the rabbits themselves face anumber of health risks, including disease and overpopulation. To address these concerns, local authorities have implemented a number of measures to manage the rabbit population and protect the island’s ecosystem, including limiting the amount of food visitors can bring in and sterilizing some of the rabbits to prevent overpopulation.

the rabbits of Ōkunoshima remain a beloved and iconic part of Japanese culture and tourism. They are a testament to the resilience and adaptability of nature, and a reminder of the importance of protecting and preserving the natural world for future generations.

Visiting Ōkunoshima and interacting with the rabbits is a unique and unforgettable experience that should not be missed. Whether you’re a nature lover, an animal enthusiast, or simply looking for a one-of-a-kind travel experience, Rabbit Island is a destination that is sure to leave a lasting impression on your heart and soul. So pack your bags, hop on a ferry, and discover the magic of the rabbits of Ōkunoshima for yourself.