Which region in modern Iraq was a hub of Bronze Age inventions?

Here is the question : QUESTION : WHICH REGION IN MODERN IRAQ WAS A HUB OF BRONZE AGE INVENTIONS? Here is the option for the question : And, the answer for the the question : ‘Which region in modern Iraq was a hub of Bronze Age inventions?’ is MESOPOTAMIA Disclaimer: This page is made in … Read more

What major Bronze Age innovation made travel much easier?

Here is the question : QUESTION : WHAT MAJOR BRONZE AGE INNOVATION MADE TRAVEL MUCH EASIER? Here is the option for the question : And, the answer for the the question : ‘What major Bronze Age innovation made travel much easier?’ is WHEEL Disclaimer: This page is made in order to provide you with the … Read more

After Niagara, which falls is the largest by volume in the U.S.?

Here is the question : QUESTION : AFTER NIAGARA, WHICH FALLS IS THE LARGEST BY VOLUME IN THE U.S.? Here is the option for the question : Havasu Falls Yosemite Falls Willamette Falls Cumberland Falls And, the answer for the the question : ‘After Niagara, which falls is the largest by volume in the U.S.?’ … Read more

What lake provides Las Vegas with 90% of its water?

Here is the question : QUESTION : WHAT LAKE PROVIDES LAS VEGAS WITH 90% OF ITS WATER? Here is the option for the question : Lake Tahoe Lake Havasu Lake Mead Lake Mohave And, the answer for the the question : ‘What lake provides Las Vegas with 90% of its water?’ is LAKE MEAD Disclaimer: … Read more

Which of the following is NOT a brass instrument?

Here is the question : QUESTION : WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING IS NOT A BRASS INSTRUMENT? Here is the option for the question : Trombone Saxophone Trumpet Cornet And, the answer for the the question : ‘Which of the following is NOT a brass instrument?’ is SAXOPHONE Disclaimer: This page is made in order to … Read more

The same gas that makes bread rise is also found in what?

Here is the question : QUESTION : THE SAME GAS THAT MAKES BREAD RISE IS ALSO FOUND IN WHAT? Here is the option for the question : Hot air balloons Hot tubs Beer bubbles Greenhouses And, the answer for the the question : ‘The same gas that makes bread rise is also found in what?’ … Read more

What is the nickname of Donald Trump’s former Defense Secretary, General James Mattis?

Here is the question : QUESTION : WHAT IS THE NICKNAME OF DONALD TRUMP’S FORMER DEFENSE SECRETARY, GENERAL JAMES MATTIS? Here is the option for the question : “”Mad Dog”” “”Black Jack”” “”The Bear”” “”Grey Fox”” And, the answer for the the question : ‘What is the nickname of Donald Trump’s former Defense Secretary, General … Read more

What is the dot above the letters “i” and “j” called?

Here is the question : QUESTION : WHAT IS THE DOT ABOVE THE LETTERS “”I”” AND “”J”” CALLED? Here is the option for the question : And, the answer for the the question : ‘What is the dot above the letters “”i”” and “”j”” called?’ is TITTLE Disclaimer: This page is made in order to … Read more

What is NOT a part of the skull?

Here is the question : QUESTION : WHAT IS NOT A PART OF THE SKULL? Here is the option for the question : And, the answer for the the question : ‘What is NOT a part of the skull?’ is STERNUM Disclaimer: This page is made in order to provide you with the most Correct … Read more