Roosevelt introduced White House press conferences for what group?




Here is the option for the question :

  • Women correspondents
  • War correspondents
  • Showbiz reporters
  • Rookie reporters

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :



Eleanor Roosevelt was a fervent supporter of women’s rights, and soon after she moved into the White House, she instituted news conferences just for female correspondents. Because of the initiative, a number of news wire agencies rapidly recruited female reporters so that they would not lose out on any scoops. This helped extend access to the press pool, which had traditionally been dominated by men.

Roosevelt introduced White House press conferences for what group?
Franklin D. Roosevelt was one of the most influential and innovative presidents in American history, and he is remembered for his many accomplishments and contributions to American society. One of his lesser-known achievements was his introduction of White House press conferences for women correspondents, a groundbreaking move that helped to pave the way for greater gender equality in the field of journalism.

Prior to Roosevelt’s presidency, women correspondents were largely excluded from official White House press conferences and briefings. They were often relegated to covering social events or writing human interest stories, while their male counterparts covered the more important political and policy news.

Roosevelt recognized the importance of including women correspondents in the White House press corps, and he made a conscious effort to include them in his press conferences and briefings. He recognized their talent and expertise, and he believed that they had an important role to play in shaping public opinion and informing the American people about the issues of the day.

Thanks to Roosevelt’s efforts, women correspondents were able to gain greater access to the White House and to the important political news of the day. They were able to ask questions and report on the issues that were most important to them and to their audiences, and they were able to demonstrate their skill and professionalism as journalists.

women journalists are an integral part of the White House press corps, and they continue to report on the important political news of the day. Thanks to Roosevelt’s efforts to include women correspondents in White House press conferences, they are able to report on the issues that matter most to them and to their audiences, and to play an important role in shaping public opinion and informing the American people.

Franklin D. Roosevelt’s introduction of White House press conferences for women correspondents was a groundbreaking move that helped to pave the way for greater gender equality in the field of journalism. Thanks to his efforts, women journalists are now an integral part of the White House press corps, and they continue to report on the important political news of the day.