“Sing a song of sixpence, a pocket full of rye, 4 and 20 blackbirds ___”




Here is the option for the question :

  • Fly by
  • Flap their wings
  • Squawk loudly
  • Baked in a pie

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :

Baked in a pie


Blackbirds were stuffed inside pies as a form of entertainment at feasts that took place in the 16th century; however, once the pies were opened, the blackbirds were set free. The rhyme “Sing a Song of Sixpence” was written in the 18th century and describes this event. The nursery rhyme also has a macabre finale in which one of the birds returns to peck off the nose of a maid who is hanging laundry outside to dry.

`Sing a song of sixpence, a pocket full of rye, 4 and 20 blackbirds ___”
“A-tisket a-tasket” is a popular nursery rhyme that has been enjoyed by children for generations. The rhyme tells the story of a little girl who loses her green and yellow basket and goes in search of it. As she looks for her basket, she sings a catchy tune that has become a beloved part of children’s literature.

The rhyme is often used as a way to teach children about basic concepts such as colors, rhyming, and counting. Its simple melody and repetitive lyrics make it easy for children to learn and sing along to.

The line “I wrote a letter to my love” is a popular part of the rhyme that is often used in adaptations and parodies of the original song. It suggests a romantic element to the story, adding a new dimension to the tale of the lost basket.

While the origins of the “A-tisket a-tasket” rhyme are unclear, it is believed to have originated in the United States in the early 20th century. The rhyme has since become a beloved part of American folklore and has been adapted into countless books, cartoons, and movies over the years.

The story of the lost basket is a simple one, but it teaches children the value of perseverance and determination. The little girl in the story doesn’t give up when she loses her basket, but instead goes in search of it, determined to find it no matter what.

The line “I wrote a letter to my love” adds an element of romance to the story, suggesting that the little girl is writing to someone she cares about deeply. This adds a new layer of meaning to the rhyme, making it more than just a simple tale of a lost basket.

“A-tisket a-tasket” is a beloved part of children’s literature that has stood the test of time. Its catchy tune and memorable lyrics have made it a favorite among children and adults alike, and its message of perseverance and determination continues to inspire generations of young readers.