The Frisbee is named after a company that sold what?




Here is the option for the question :

  • Tires
  • Dishes
  • Bicycles
  • Pies

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :



In the latter half of the 1800s, a man by the name of William Russell Frisbie purchased a bakery and called it after himself. By the year 1940, the business had grown into a significant corporation. At that time, the bakery produced up to 200,000 pies every single day, all of which were baked in the pie tins that had become the company’s signature product. These tins could also be used as throwing discs, and in 1957, the toy manufacturer Wham-O purchased a product very similar to this one. They then took the name “Frisbie” for their own product, but changed one letter in the name.

The Frisbee is named after a company that sold what?
The Frisbee is a flying disc toy that has become a staple of American culture. While many people may assume that the name “Frisbee” is simply a made-up word, it is actually derived from the name of a company that sold pies.

The Frisbie Pie Company was founded in Connecticut in the late 19th century, and quickly became known for its delicious pies. The company’s pies were sold in tin pans, which had a distinctive shape and weight that made them ideal for throwing.

As a result, local college students began throwing the empty pie tins back and forth for fun. The game quickly caught on, with students at other colleges and universities across the country adopting the activity and coming up with their own variations.

Eventually, the pie tins were replaced with specially designed flying discs made of plastic, and the game became known as “Frisbee.” The name was a nod to the Frisbie Pie Company, which had become a local institution in Connecticut and had developed a reputation for quality and innovation.

In the years that followed, the Frisbee became a popular toy and pastime, with millions of people around the world enjoying throwing and catching the flying discs. The Frisbee has also become an important part of the sport of Ultimate Frisbee, which combines elements of soccer, basketball, and American football into a fast-paced and exciting game.

the Frisbee remains a beloved icon of American culture, and the name “Frisbee” is synonymous with fun, play, and outdoor activity. While the origins of the name may be unexpected, they serve as a reminder of the power of innovation and creativity, and the potential for even the most humble of objects to take on a life of their own.