The oldest civilization in India formed around what river?




Here is the option for the question :

  • Ganges
  • Indus
  • Krishna
  • Gadavari

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :



The Indus Valley civilization, which flourished between 7,000 and 600 BCE, emerged in the northern part of the Indian subcontinent along the Indus River. It is one among the earliest civilizations in history, along with Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt. Scientists hypothesize that a combination of climate change and a fall in commerce with other ancient societies contributed to the civilization’s eventual collapse, despite the fact that nothing is known about how it ended.

The oldest civilization in India formed around what river?

The Indus River: Cradle of India’s Oldest Civilization

India, a land steeped in history and cultural diversity, has been the birthplace of numerous ancient civilizations that have shaped its rich heritage. Among them, the oldest and most enigmatic is the Indus Valley Civilization, which emerged around the banks of the Indus River. The Indus River, with its life-giving waters and fertile plains, served as the foundation for this remarkable civilization, leaving behind a lasting legacy that continues to captivate historians and archaeologists to this day.

The Indus River, known as the Sindhu or Sindus in ancient times, flows through present-day India, Pakistan, and China. It originates in the Tibetan Plateau and meanders through the Indian subcontinent, eventually emptying into the Arabian Sea. The river’s significance lies not only in its physical attributes but also in the role it played in shaping the destiny of a civilization.

The Indus Valley Civilization, also known as the Harappan Civilization, flourished from approximately 3300 BCE to 1300 BCE. It spanned a vast area that encompassed parts of modern-day India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. The civilization showcased remarkable urban planning, advanced engineering, and a sophisticated understanding of trade and commerce.

The presence of the Indus River was vital to the success and prosperity of the Indus Valley Civilization. The river provided a constant water supply for agriculture, enabling the cultivation of crops and the establishment of thriving agricultural communities. The fertile alluvial plains formed by the river’s periodic flooding created an ideal environment for farming, allowing the civilization to sustain a large population.

The cities of the Indus Valley Civilization, such as Harappa and Mohenjo-daro, developed along the banks of the Indus River. These cities boasted sophisticated urban planning and infrastructure, featuring well-laid-out streets, advanced drainage systems, and multi-story buildings. The proximity to the river facilitated transportation, trade, and communication, contributing to the economic prosperity of the civilization.

The Indus River served as a vital trade route for the Indus Valley Civilization, connecting it to neighboring regions and distant lands. The civilization engaged in long-distance trade, exchanging goods such as pottery, beads, textiles, and precious metals with Mesopotamia and other ancient civilizations. The river provided a convenient means of transportation for these trade networks, fostering cultural exchange and economic growth.

The Indus River also played a significant role in the religious and cultural practices of the Indus Valley Civilization. Evidence suggests that the river was revered as a sacred entity, with rituals and ceremonies associated with its waters. The presence of intricate bathing platforms and water-related motifs in the archaeological remains indicates the religious and spiritual signif