What American city was once flooded by molasses?




Here is the option for the question :

  • New Orleans
  • Boston
  • Savannah
  • Chicago

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :



Molasses once covered the entire city of Boston during a catastrophic flood that occurred centuries ago. Molasses was a key ingredient in the production of explosives during World War I. On January 15, 1919, a massive tank holding molasses ruptured, sending more than 2 million gallons of the substance spilling into the city. It was one of the more peculiar occurrences in the lengthy history of Boston, as it resulted in the deaths of 21 individuals and drowned two city blocks.

What American city was once flooded by molasses?
In 1919, Boston experienced a disastrous molasses flood, one of the weirdest natural disasters in American history. A large tank of molasses exploded in the North End, releasing 25,000 tons of molasses that flooded the streets, suffocated plants, and collapsed buildings. The bizarre accident brought the city to a standstill, causing damages estimated at $2.75 million.

The molasses tank was located in the Carson & Donovan Molasses Refining Company, servicing ships that transported molasses. One theory is that the explosion occurred due to hot molasses reacting with cold air, allowing molasses to seep out and flood the surrounding streets. An alternative theory suggests a boiler explosion caused a molasses-air mixture to ignite. Whatever the cause, the explosion and subsequent molasses spill had catastrophic consequences.

Molasses Flood, as the disaster is known, inundated nearby streets under 3 to 5 feet of molasses. It displaced residents, damaged property and ships, and blocked transportation for days. The viscous molasses even caused soil liquefaction, collapsing nearby buildings. Rabbits, rats, insects met grim fates as the molasses crept over, suffocating them. Clean-up took weeks and restoring the affected infrastructure several months, costing the city millions.

The bizarre tragedy is now regarded as a symbol of hardship and stickiness in Boston folklore. It remains a topic of speculation regarding the exact cause and sequence of events on that fateful day. Still, certain facts shine through the murkiness: 25,000 tons of molasses released created damage that reshaped the city’s landscape, economy and spirit. The disaster demonstrated the risks of congregating factories and infrastructure in densely populated areas. It highlighted the importance of cautious expansion and responsible management of resources.

echoes of the molasses flood are subtle but lingering. They make themselves known in stories retold and lessons learned. A changed street layout and rerouted ship channels stand as monuments to resilience in the face of catastrophe. The disaster forged a grim bond between people of the North End, whose grit and togetherness saw them through the ordeal.

Though molasses may conjure sweetness, in Boston it brings to mind hardship. This gallant, sticky city knows the price of progress, complexity and proximity. And from the molasses that drowned its streets, Boston drew strength. The flood waters receded, but its people emerged forever shaped by sorrow, solidarity and the indomitable human drive to overcome. Their spirit could not be washed away, no matter how much molasses poured over cobbles and souls. This, as much as any landmark or monument, is Boston’s real legacy. A city forever changed, yet forever strong. Molasses and all.

The story of Boston’s molasses flood lives on because of what it represents. A bizarre tale of tragedy transforming into triumph. A symbol of resilience through shared suffering. And a remi