What are the only monkeys found in Europe?




Here is the option for the question :

  • Tamarins
  • Macaques
  • Capuchins
  • Geladas

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :



The Barbary macaque is the only species of monkey that may be found in Europe. There is a tiny population of this species in Gibraltar, which is a British Overseas Territory located on the Iberian Peninsula. The majority of the individuals of this species dwell in the Atlas Mountains, which are located in North Africa. The common misnomer of “Barbary apes” may have originated from the fact that barbary macaques are the only monkeys in the world that do not possess tails.

What are the only monkeys found in Europe?
Macaques are the only monkeys found in Europe, and they are primarily found in Gibraltar, a British territory located at the southern tip of the Iberian Peninsula. The macaques in Gibraltar are known as Barbary macaques, and they are the only wild monkeys in Europe.

Barbary macaques are a unique species of primate that are native to North Africa. They are highly adapted to their rocky, mountainous habitat, where they feed on a variety of foods including fruits, insects, and small mammals. They are social animals, living in groups of up to 30 individuals, led by a dominant male.

The presence of macaques in Gibraltar is believed to date back to the 1700s when they were brought to the territory by British soldiers. Since then, their population has fluctuated, with numbers declining as a result of human activities such as hunting and habitat loss. However, conservation efforts have helped to stabilize their population, and they are now a popular tourist attraction in Gibraltar.

macaques are also important animals in their native habitats. They play a vital role in maintaining the health of their ecosystems by dispersing seeds and controlling insect populations. However, like many other species of primates, they are facing significant threats to their survival due to habitat loss and hunting.

Conservation efforts are underway to protect macaques and their habitats, but more needs to be done to ensure their survival. By raising awareness about these amazing animals and their importance to the ecosystem, we can help to ensure that they are not lost to future generations.