What city has a famous street with eight hairpin turns in one block?




Here is the option for the question :

  • New York
  • London
  • Amsterdam
  • San Francisco

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :

San Francisco


Lombard Street, sometimes known as “The Crookedest Street in the World,” is a winding road that descends one of San Francisco’s typically steep city hills and has earned the street its infamous moniker. This single block in the Russian Hill neighborhood of San Francisco features eight hairpin turns that allow it to navigate the steep grade of 27%. At the very top, there is a sign that suggests a speed limit of just 5 miles per hour. It is estimated that 2 million people visit Lombard Street every year, which is equivalent to approximately 250 cars passing through it every hour. The street is paved in red brick and lined with lovely flowers, and it has become a popular tourist destination in its own right. Because of this, the city officials of San Francisco have investigated the possibility of imposing tolls in order to reduce traffic. Lombard Street, which was constructed in 1922, received its name from a street in Philadelphia of the same name.

What city has a famous street with eight hairpin turns in one block?
San Francisco, a city located in the northern part of California, is known for its stunning natural beauty, rich cultural heritage, and remarkable landmarks and attractions. One of the most famous and celebrated landmarks in San Francisco is Lombard Street, a street with eight hairpin turns in one block that is a popular destination for visitors from around the world.

Lombard Street is located in the Russian Hill neighborhood of San Francisco, and is known for its steep grade and unique design. The street was originally designed with the hairpin turns in order to make it easier for cars to navigate the steep hill, and has since become a popular tourist attraction and a symbol of the city’s unique character and charm.

Visitors to Lombard Street can enjoy stunning views of the city and the surrounding landscape, as well as the chance to experience the thrill of driving down one of the most famous and challenging streets in the world. The street is also a popular destination for photographers and artists, who are drawn to its unique design and picturesque setting.

San Francisco is also known for its rich and diverse cultural heritage, with a vibrant arts and music scene, a thriving culinary culture, and a deep and complex history that is celebrated throughout the city. From the iconic Golden Gate Bridge to the historic cable cars, San Francisco offers a wealth of experiences and opportunities to explore the rich and diverse tapestry of the human experience, and a reminder of the remarkable achievements and innovations that are possible when we embrace the challenges and opportunities of the world around us.