What city was the capital of the U.S. for only one day?




Here is the option for the question :

  • Baltimore, Maryland
  • Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Lancaster, Pennsylvania
  • New York City, New York

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :

Lancaster, Pennsylvania


Throughout its history, the United States of America has had nine different capital cities, but Lancaster, Pennsylvania was the only one that served just briefly. Both the First Continental Congress in 1774 and the Second Continental Congress in 1775 had their beginnings in Philadelphia. The First Continental Congress was held there in 1774. When the Continental Congress heard that British forces were advancing on Philadelphia in the summer of 1777, they quickly evacuated the city. At that point, the Revolutionary War was already well under way. They got together in the county courthouse in Lancaster on September 27, 1777, but they didn’t stick around for very long. After just one day of business, the delegates went further west to the city of York in Pennsylvania because they were having problems with their accommodations and continued to fear for their safety. Washington, DC, which had been the nation’s capital for over 70,000 more days than Lancaster, celebrated its 200th anniversary as the nation’s capital in the year 2000.

What city was the capital of the U.S. for only one day?
The United States has had several cities serve as its capital over the course of its history, including New York City, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C. However, there is one city that holds the distinction of being the capital for only a single day – Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

The unusual situation arose in 1777, during the height of the American Revolution. The Continental Congress, which was the governing body of the fledgling United States, was forced to flee Philadelphia after it was occupied by British forces. The Congress needed to find a new location to conduct its business, and settled on Lancaster, a small town in central Pennsylvania.

On September 27, 1777, the Congress convened in the Lancaster courthouse, and for one day, Lancaster became the capital of the United States. During that time, the Congress passed several important pieces of legislation, including a resolution calling for a national day of thanksgiving to be observed on December 18th.

The following day, the Congress moved on to York, Pennsylvania, where it remained for several months. Eventually, the Congress returned to Philadelphia, which would go on to become the permanent capital of the United States.

Lancaster is a thriving city with a rich history and cultural heritage. While its brief stint as the U.S. capital is just one small part of that history, it is a reminder of the city’s important role in the formation of the nation.

Lancaster is also known for its beautiful architecture,picturesque countryside, and vibrant arts and cultural scene. Visitors to the city can explore its many museums and historic sites, including the Lancaster County Historical Society and the Demuth Museum, which showcases the work of local artist Charles Demuth.

Lancaster is also home to a thriving Amish community, known for its traditional way of life and handmade crafts. Visitors can take tours of Amish farms and homes, and purchase handmade quilts, furniture, and other goods.

Lancaster’s brief stint as the U.S. capital is just one small part of its rich and varied history. The city’s modern-day attractions, along with its deep cultural and historical heritage, make it a fascinating and rewarding destination for visitors from around the world.