What did Los Angeles’ original Hollywood sign say?




Here is the option for the question :

  • Welcome to Hollywood
  • Hollywood, California
  • Tinseltown
  • Hollywoodland

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :



The initial intention behind the 1923 sign was somewhat less exciting than its subsequent use as a ubiquitous icon of America’s entertainment industry. The ad was for a community in California called “Hollywoodland.” The word “land” was taken off the sign in 1949 so that it would be more accurately representative of the entire area.

What did Los Angeles’ original Hollywood sign say?
The Hollywood Sign is one of the most iconic landmarks in Los Angeles, known around the world as a symbol of the entertainment industry and the glamour of Hollywood. The sign has undergone several changes over the years, but its original incarnation was as a promotional tool for a new real estate development called Hollywoodland.

In 1923, a group of investors purchased a large tract of land located in the hills above Hollywood, with the intention of developing it into a new residential community. To promote the development, they decided to erect a large sign on the hillside that would spell out the name of the new development: Hollywoodland.

The sign was designed by a local artist named Thomas Fisk Goff, and it was constructed out of large metal letters that were mounted on a wooden frame. The sign was illuminated with thousands of light bulbs, making it visible for miles around. It quickly became a landmark in the city, and it was featured in numerous movies and television shows over the years.

In the late 1940s, the sign underwent a major renovation, with the “land” portion of the sign being removed to reflect the changing character of the neighborhood. The sign was also converted to a non-electric design, with the letters being constructed out of concrete and steel. The new sign was unveiled in 1949, and it has remained largely unchanged ever since.

the Hollywood Sign is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Los Angeles, with visitors from around the world coming to see the iconic letters up close. The sign has become a symbol of the entertainment industry and the glamour of Hollywood, and it serves as a reminder of the city’s rich history and cultural heritage. While the sign has undergone several changes over the years, its original incarnation as the Hollywoodland sign will always be remembered as a testament to the city’s spirit of innovation and creativity.