What did people often say for photos before “cheese”?




Here is the option for the question :

  • Mint
  • Prunes
  • Asparagus
  • Wine

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :



When someone raises a camera in your way, it has developed into a reflex to either flash the peace sign or exclaim “cheese.” The first photographs taken in the Victorian era depicted subjects with serious expressions, in contrast to the present practice of smiling broadly for the camera. Social decorum dictated a small, carefully controlled mouth; so, when Richard Beard, Britain’s first portrait photographer, began taking family portraits, he allegedly told his clients to say ‘prunes.’ Even though some historians believe that the requirement for decorum was the driving force behind this stern or unsmiling expression, it is possible that there was also a practical rationale for it. The Victorians did not have the same luxuries that are available to modern humans and may have been more reluctant to show their teeth because photographs were expensive and they could not take hundreds in a single session. However, modern humans have very little holding them back from showing off a set of pearly whites because of the advanced dental care that is now available. Modern humans have very little holding them back from showing off a set of pearly whites. Additionally, and most literally, taking photos was a lengthy process back in the day, and it may have gotten uncomfortable to maintain a smile for so long.

What did people often say for photos before “cheese”?
Before “cheese” became the go-to word for posing for photographs, people often said “prunes.” While the origins of this phrase are unclear, it was commonly used as a way to get people to smile and show their teeth in early photographs.

In the early days of photography, taking a picture was a more formal and serious affair than it is today. Cameras were bulky and expensive, and the process of taking a photograph was time-consuming and required careful preparation. As a result, people often looked solemn and serious in early photographs, as they tried to hold still for the long exposure times required by the technology of the time.

To help people relax and look more natural in photographs, photographers would often use various tricks and techniques. One of these was to tell people to say “prunes” instead of “cheese” when they posed for a photograph. The word “prunes” was thought to create a similar shape in the mouth as the word “cheese”, but without the forced smile that often accompanies it.

Over time, the word “cheese” became more popular as a way to get people to smile in photographs. This may be due in part to the fact that “cheese” is easier to say and remember than “prunes”, and it also creates a more natural-looking smile.

saying “cheese” has become so ubiquitous that it is often considered a cliché. However, it remains a popular way to get people to smile for photographs, and it is still used by photographers and everyday people around the world.

before “cheese” became the standard word for posing for photographs, people often said “prunes.” This word was thought to create a similar shape in the mouth as “cheese”, but without the forced smile that often accompanies it. Over time, “cheese” became more popular and is now the go-to word for posing for photographs. While it may be considered a cliché, saying “cheese” remains a popular way to get people to smile and show their teeth in photographs.