What famous ancient landmark is also a cosmic clock?




Here is the option for the question :

  • Great Pyramid of Giza
  • Stonehenge
  • Terracotta Army
  • Parthenon

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :



Stonehenge is a cosmic clock that was built some 5,000 years ago by Neolithic druids. It marks the summer and winter solstices, which was significant not just for growing crops but also for the religious practises of Celtic pagans. The well-known landmark may have also tracked solar and lunar eclipses, according to the opinions of many experts.

What famous ancient landmark is also a cosmic clock?
Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument located in Wiltshire, England, and is one of the most famous ancient landmarks in the world. It is believed to have been constructed around 3000 BCE and has been the subject of much speculation and study ever since. One of the most fascinating aspects of Stonehenge is that it is not only an impressive feat of engineering and design, but it also serves as a cosmic clock.

The monument consists of a ring of standing stones, each weighing several tons, arranged in a circular pattern. The stones are connected by a series of lintels, creating a massive structure that stands over 13 feet tall. The exact purpose of Stonehenge has been a topic of debate for centuries, but many experts believe that it was used for astronomical observations and as a calendar.

One of the most significant features of Stonehenge is its alignment with the rising and setting of the sun during the solstices. During the summer solstice, the sun rises directly over the Heel Stone, which is located outside the main circle. Similarly, during the winter solstice, the sun sets in alignment with the stones. This alignment suggests that Stonehenge was used to track the movements of the sun throughout the year, allowing people to determine the changing of the seasons.

Stonehenge also aligns with the moon. The monument has several markers that align with the rising and setting of the moon, suggesting that it was used to track lunar cycles as well. This alignment is particularly impressive, given that the lunar cycle is much more complex than the solar cycle and requires a more sophisticated understanding of astronomy.

Stonehenge’s status as a cosmic clock is further supported by the fact that it aligns with several other celestial events. For example, some of the stones are aligned with the rising and setting of certain stars, indicating that the monument was used to track the positions of the stars in the night sky. This alignment suggests that the people who built Stonehenge had a deep understanding of astronomy and were able to use this knowledge to create a monument that could serve as a precise timekeeper.

Stonehenge is a remarkable achievement of ancient engineering and design. Its alignment with the movements of the sun, moon, and stars suggests that it was used as a cosmic clock, allowing people to track the passage of time and the changing of the seasons. Despite the many mysteries that still surround Stonehenge, its status as a testament to ancient astronomical knowledge is clear.