What fruit is associated with Isaac Newton’s theory of gravity?




Here is the option for the question :

  • Orange
  • Apple
  • Banana

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :



It is said that in the year 1666, 23-year-old Isaac Newton was sitting under an apple tree when an apple fell from the tree and boinked him in the head, causing him to have a “Eureka” moment. This event is referred to as the “Eureka moment.” Gravity! After having his epiphany with the apple, Isaac Newton published his three laws of motion in his book “Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy,” which is often regarded as the one publication that had the most impact on the field of physics. Newton’s experiments showed that the force that causes an apple to drop and that maintains our position on the ground is the same force that keeps the moon and planets in their orbits. This was a significant discovery because it allowed us to understand how gravity works.

What fruit is associated with Isaac Newton`s theory of gravity?
Isaac Newton is one of the most celebrated scientists in history, and his theory of gravity is undoubtedly his most famous contribution to the scientific world. The story goes that Newton was sitting under an apple tree when an apple fell on his head, inspiring him to contemplate the nature of gravity. While the story may be apocryphal, there is no doubt that Newton’s work on gravity revolutionized our understanding of the physical world.

The apple has become synonymous with Newton’s theory of gravity, with many people believing that the apple falling on his head was the moment of inspiration for his groundbreaking work. While there is no evidence to suggest that the apple actually fell on Newton’s head, it is clear that he did use the apple as a metaphor to explain his theory of gravity.

Newton’s theory of gravity states that every object in the universe is attracted to every other object with a force that is directly proportional to the masses of the objects and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. In simpler terms, the closer two objects are, and the more massive they are, the stronger the gravitational force between them.

The apple is a perfect symbol for Newton’s theory of gravity because it is an object that we are all familiar with, and it is easy to imagine it falling towards the ground due to the force of gravity. The apple falling from the tree represents the force of gravity pulling it towards the ground, just as it pulls the moon towards the Earth and the Earth towards the sun.

While the story of the apple falling on Newton’s head may be a myth, it is clear that the apple has become an important symbol of his work on gravity. Today, the apple is often used in educational materials to teach students about gravity and the laws of physics. It is also a popular motif in art and literature, appearing in everything from cartoons and comics to poems and novels.

while the story of the apple falling on Isaac Newton’s head may be a myth, there is no doubt that the apple has become an important symbol of his work on gravity. Newton’s theory of gravity revolutionized our understanding of the physical world, and the apple has become a powerful metaphor for the force that governs the universe. Whether we are studying physics, reading a novel, or simply enjoying a snack, the apple will always be associated with Newton’s groundbreaking work on gravity.