What insect protects peonies from damaging pests?




Here is the option for the question :

  • Butterflies
  • Ants
  • Wasps
  • Crickets

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :



Ants swarming on peonies may bother gardeners, but the insects have a mutualistic relationship with the flowers. Ants enjoy consuming the nectar that collects at the base of the peony’s green leaves. In exchange, the ants drive away bugs that would rather eat on the blossom itself. Gardeners should gently shake ants off cut flowers before taking them inside instead than using insecticide. Those ants can now return to protecting the remaining blossoms.

What insect protects peonies from damaging pests?
Peonies are a beloved flower known for their large, showy blooms and sweet fragrance. However, these beautiful flowers are also susceptible to damage from pests such as aphids and other insects. Interestingly, there is a tiny insect that can actually help protect peonies from these damaging pests: ants.

Ants and peonies have a unique relationship that benefits both parties. Peonies produce a sweet, sticky substance on their buds and leaves known as nectar. This nectar is highly attractive to ants, who feed on it as a source of food.

In return for this tasty treat, ants offer a valuable service to the peony plant. They protect the plant from harmful pests such as aphids by attacking them and carrying them away. This helps to keep the peony plant healthy and free from damage.

The relationship between ants and peonies is an example of mutualism, a type of symbiotic relationship in which both parties benefit. The peony plant benefits from the protection provided by the ants, while the ants benefit from the steady source of food provided by the nectar.

It’s important to note that not all ants are beneficial to peonies. Some species of ants are actually harmful to plants, as they feed on the leaves and buds and can cause damage to the plant. It’s important to identify the species of ants present in your garden and determine whether they are beneficial or harmful to your peonies.

If you have peonies in your garden and are interested in attracting beneficial ants to help protect your plants, there are a few things you can do. First, avoid using pesticides or other chemicals that can harm beneficial insects. Second, provide a source of water for the ants, as they need water to survive. Finally, consider planting other types of plants that produce nectar to help attract and sustain a population of beneficial ants in your garden.

ants play a valuable role in protecting peony plants from damaging pests such as aphids. Their relationship with peonies is an example of mutualism, in which both parties benefit. By understanding the importance of ants in the garden and taking steps to attract and support beneficial species, you can help ensure that your peonies thrive and remain healthy for years to come.