What is NOT one of the five longest rivers in the U.S.?




Here is the option for the question :

  • Missouri River
  • Yukon River
  • Columbia River
  • Mississippi River

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :

Columbia River


The United States is home to a vast network of waterways, which includes around 3.

5 million miles of rivers and more than 250,000 individual rivers.

But when it comes to length, not everyone deserves the right to gloat about their accomplishments.

Montana’s 201-foot Roe River is the shortest river in the U.


, coming nowhere near the five longest, which are the Missouri (2,341 miles), the Mississippi (2,202 miles), the Yukon (1,979 miles), the Rio Grande (1,759 miles), and the Colorado (1,450 miles).

Although the Columbia River (1,243 miles) is impressive in its own right, it is just the seventh longest river in the United States.

The Arkansas River (1,443 miles) is longer than the Columbia by a margin of 200 miles.

Complete the list of the top 10 longest rivers with the Red River (1,360 miles), the Snake River (1,078 miles), and the Ohio River (979 miles).

What is NOT one of the five longest rivers in the U.S.?
The Columbia River, while a significant and important river in its own right, is not one of the five longest rivers in the United States. The five longest rivers in the U.S. are the Missouri River, the Mississippi River, the Yukon River, the Rio Grande, and the St. Lawrence River.

The Missouri River is the longest river in the U.S., stretching over 2,300 miles from its source in Montana to its confluence with the Mississippi River in Missouri. The Mississippi River is the second-longest river in the U.S., at over 2,200 miles in length, and is known for its importance to American history and culture.

The Yukon River, located in Alaska, is the third-longest river in the U.S., stretching over 1,900 miles from its source in Canada to its mouth in the Bering Sea. The Rio Grande, which forms part of the border between the U.S. and Mexico, is the fourth-longest river in the U.S., at over 1,800 miles in length.

The St. Lawrence River, which flows from the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean, is the fifth-longest river in the U.S., at over 1,200 miles in length. The river is a vital shipping route for goods and commodities, and is also home to a range of wildlife and ecosystems.

While the Columbia River is not one of the five longest rivers in the U.S., it is still a significant and important river in its own right. The Columbia River stretches over 1,200 miles from its source in the Rocky Mountains to its mouth in the Pacific Ocean, and is known for its importance to the economy and environment of the Pacific Northwest region.

The Columbia River is a vital source of hydroelectric power, providing electricity to millions of people in the region, and is also a major transportation route for goods and commodities. The river is home to a range of fish and wildlife, including salmon, steelhead, and sturgeon, and is a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts and tourists.

while the Columbia River is not one of the five longest rivers in the U.S., it is still a significant and important river in its own right. The five longest rivers in the U.S. are the Missouri River, the Mississippi River, the Yukon River, the Rio Grande, and the St. Lawrence River, each with their own unique history, culture, and significance to the regions they flow through.