What is the name for rock fragments ejected from a volcano?




Here is the option for the question :

  • Ballistics
  • Zephyr
  • Fire cannon
  • Tephra

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :



Tephra is the name given to any fragments of rock or ash expelled into the air by an erupting volcano. This unique feature of volcanology can form discrete geologic layers following a volcanic eruption.

What is the name for rock fragments ejected from a volcano?
Tephra is the name given to the rock fragments that are ejected from a volcano during an eruption. Tephra can range in size from tiny particles of ash and dust to large boulders and blocks, and can travel great distances from the volcano.

Tephra is formed when molten rock, or magma, is ejected into the air during an eruption. As the magma cools and solidifies, it breaks apart into fragments of different sizes. These fragments can be carried by the wind and deposited over a wide area, forming layers of tephra that can be used by geologists to study the history of volcanic activity.

Tephra is an important part of the study of volcanoes and volcanic eruptions. By analyzing the size, shape, and chemical composition of tephra fragments, scientists can learn about the nature of the eruption, including its intensity and duration. Tephra can also provide important clues about the type of volcano that erupted, as well as its location and history of activity.

One of the most famous examples of tephra is the ash cloud that was produced by the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens in Washington State, USA. The ash cloud was carried by the wind for hundreds of miles, and the tephra that was deposited over the surrounding area caused significant damage to crops, buildings, and other structures.

tephra can also have important social and economic impacts. Volcanic eruptionsthat produce large amounts of tephra can disrupt air travel, as the tiny particles can damage aircraft engines and pose a risk to pilots and passengers. Tephra can also pose a risk to human health, as inhaling volcanic ash and dust can cause respiratory problems and other health issues.

tephra can also have positive impacts on the environment. The ash produced by volcanic eruptions can be rich in nutrients, and can help to fertilize soil and promote the growth of plants. Tephra can also help to create new habitats for plants and animals, as it can alter the landscape and create new geological features.

tephra is a fascinating and important aspect of volcanic activity. Its study can provide insights into the nature of volcanic eruptions and their effects on the environment and human society. While tephra can pose risks and challenges, it can also have positive impacts, and its study can help us to better understand and appreciate the complex and dynamic nature of our planet.