What is the oldest surviving map in the world?




Here is the option for the question :

  • Babylonian Map of the World
  • Al-Idrisi’s World Map
  • Ribeiro’s World Map
  • Ptolemy’s Geography

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :

Babylonian Map of the World


The Babylonian Map of the World, which was also referred to as the Imago Mundi, was probably drawn sometime around the year 600 BCE. Clay tablets containing the map were found in the late 1800s near the city of Sippar in Iraq (north of the ancient city of Babylon). Even though no one knows why exactly this map was made, it most likely demonstrates how Babylonians viewed the world at that historical period. Babylon is located in the middle of a depiction that also includes mountains, a swamp, a canal, three cities without names, and named towns such as Urartu, Assyria, Der, and Elam. The map is ripped and measures just 4.8 inches high and 3.2 inches broad overall. It is in poor condition. The map can be found in the British Museum’s collection.

What is the oldest surviving map in the world?
The Babylonian Map of the World is widely considered to be the oldest surviving map in the world, dating back to the 5th century BCE. The map, which is etched onto a clay tablet, provides a fascinating glimpse into the ancient world and the way that people conceptualized geography and the cosmos.

The Babylonian Map of the World is unique in that it is not a map in the traditional sense, but rather a circular representation of the world as it was understood by the Babylonians. The map shows the world as a flat disk, surrounded by water and divided into seven regions or continents. Each region is represented by a different color and is labeled with the names of cities and landmarks.

The map also includes depictions of mythical creatures and the gods that were believed to control the natural world. The center of the map is occupied by the city of Babylon, which was considered to be the center of the world and the seat of power for the Babylonian empire.

the Babylonian Map of the World is an important artifact that provides valuable insights into the way that ancient civilizations thought about geography and the world around them. It is a testament to the ingenuity and creativity of these early civilizations, and a reminder of the enduring power of maps and cartography as tools for understanding and navigating the world.

the Babylonian Map of the World is housed in the British Museum in London, where it is on display for visitors to see and appreciate. It remains an important symbol of human history and achievement, and a reminder of the incredible diversity and complexity of the world we live in.