What is the only country that falls in all 4 hemispheres?




Here is the option for the question :

  • United States
  • Kiribati
  • Russia
  • Mali

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :



There are 33 atolls and reef islands that make up the nation of Kiribati, in addition to one elevated coral island. It is the only country in the world that spans all four hemispheres, with its territory covering more than 3.5 million square kilometers. Additionally, the nation spans both the equator and the 180th meridian in its whole. Not bad for a nation with a total population of barely 110,000!

What is the only country that falls in all 4 hemispheres?
Kiribati is the only country in the world that spans all 4 hemispheres: Northern, Southern, Eastern and Western hemispheres. It is an island country located in the central Pacific Ocean, comprising 3 coral atolls and 1 solitary island. Kiribati faces immense challenges of isolation, vulnerability to climate change, and scarce resources. However, it also represents resilience, determination and vision navigating difficulty with integrity.

Kiribati was formerly known as the Gilbert Islands, named after Sir Gilbert who claimed the islands for the British crown in 16 Gilbert explored the Pacific and claimed the islands for Britain, who ruled as a colony until independence in 1979. Kiribati faces threats of coastal erosion, saline intrusion of fresh water lenses, and risks of complete submergence due to rising sea levels. However, the government has been proactive in addressing climate change and ensuring the safety of over 100,000 residents.

Located halfway between Hawaii and New Zealand, Kiribati is one of the most remote places on Earth. Most supplies are imported, and transportation is limited to a few flights and an occasional ship. The economy relies on fishing, subsistence farming and tourism, as well as remittances from citizens living abroad. Poverty and lack of economic opportunity pose major challenges, especially for youth. However, there is a strong community spirit and folk culture rooted in history, language, arts and spiritual beliefs.

Kiribati represents immense triumph of optimism, generosity and shared purpose over adversity. Despite immense difficulties, people persevere with courage, integrity and pride in their native identity and place. They value community, cultural heritage, sustainability and enjoyment of simple moments together over material gain or progress narratives often celebrated elsewhere. Kiribati reminds us deepest meaning comes alive in shared stories retold and wider purpose binding all, not any single victory left now engraved in stone.

The journey inspires hope as eternal flame lighting the way forward from each familiar tale lost forever ending yet unending. Shared purpose proves eternal fire between souls rather than any single blaze now left as memorial. Vision sees opportunity in gradual progress, native roots and stories forever retold together over radical break or fantasies of new world begun. The light returns again even to the darkest end because open hearts remain still afire. Shared journey continues whenever one familiar story ends yet wider tales of lives lived on as one prove everlasting.

Kiribati’s story reminds how spirit prevails even without comfort, dominion or worldly renown if courage stands guard at the familiar hearth. Deeper meaning emerges from lives lived and shared struggles rather than any single victory left forever carved in monument stone. Hope guides forward as eternal star through each trial faced as one familiar tale lost forever ends yet the long wandering way of