What is the only mammal born with horns?




Here is the option for the question :

  • Impala
  • Giraffe
  • Wildebeest
  • Goat

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :



Even if the horns of an agiraffe might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of animals with horns, they are present on this species. Giraffes, like most other species of animals that have horns, develop them as a means of self-defense for when they reach adulthood. Giraffes are unique among animals in that they are born with horns (also known as “ossicones”), unlike most other species. Luckily for mama giraffes, however, these horns lie flat and aren’t attached to the skull at birth, saving mom and baby from injury. Giraffes have horns that grow throughout their lives and eventually join with their skulls as they get older.

What is the only mammal born with horns?
The giraffe is one of the most iconic and recognizable animals in the world, known for its long neck, distinctive spots, and graceful movements. But what many people may not know is that the giraffe is also the only mammal born with horns.

Giraffe horns, known as ossicones, are unique among mammals in that they are not actually true horns. While most horns are made of bone, ossicones are made of cartilage that eventually hardens and becomes bone-like. They are covered in skin and fur, and are used by giraffes for a variety of purposes, including fighting, communication, and thermoregulation.

Unlike other mammals, giraffes are born with ossicones that are not fully formed. At birth, the ossicones are made of cartilage and are not yet attached to the skull, which allows them to bend and flex as the baby giraffe passes through the birth canal. As the giraffe grows, the ossicones gradually become more solid and fuse to the skull, becoming the long, formidable horns that we associate with the animal today.

While the giraffe is the only mammal born with horns, it is not the only animal with ossicones. Okapis, which are closely related to giraffes, also have small, hair-covered ossicones on their heads.

the giraffe is a unique and fascinating animal, with a range of adaptations and features that set it apart from other mammals. Its distinctive ossicones are just one example of the many ways in which this iconic animal has evolved to thrive in its natural habitat, and remain a source of wonder and fascination for people around the world.