What percentage of Canadians live within 100 miles of the U.S. border?




Here is the option for the question :

  • 33%
  • 45%
  • 66%
  • 90%

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :



The country that occupies the world’s second-largest landmass is, for the most part, inhospitable to human habitation.

Although it covers 3.

86 million square miles, most of Canada’s 37 million people live within 100 miles of the U.



The agricultural industry is partly responsible for the friendly relationships that exist between the vast majority of Canadians and their southern neighbors.

The climate to the north is somewhat chillier, making this region’s terrain the most suitable for cultivation.

The climate around the border is the most agreeable that Canada has to offer, despite the fact that it is not quite tropical.

What percentage of Canadians live within 100 miles of the U.S. border?
Canada is a vast and diverse country, spanning over 9.9 million square kilometers and bordering the United States to the south. Despite its size, the majority of Canadians live within 100 miles of the U.S. border, with an estimated 90% of the population residing in this region.

This concentration of population along the U.S. border is due in part to historical factors, including the fact that much of Canada’s early development and settlement was focused on areas close to the border. It is also influenced by economic and cultural factors, with many of Canada’s largest cities and economic centers located in this region.

The concentration of population along the U.S. border has significant implications for Canada’s economy and society. The region is home to a wide range of industries, including manufacturing, agriculture, and tourism, and is a major hub for trade between Canada and the United States.

The close proximity to the United States also has cultural and social implications for Canadians, with many Canadians sharing cultural and linguistic ties with their American neighbors. This can be seen in the popularity of American media and entertainment in Canada, as well as in the similarities between Canadian and American social and political systems.

there are also challenges and risks associated with this concentration of population. These include issues related to border security, immigration, and cross-border trade, as well as environmental and health risks associated with proximity to large urban centers.

the fact that 90% of Canadians live within 100 miles of the U.S. border is a testament to the close ties between these two countries, as well as to the economic, cultural, and social importance of this region to Canada as a whole. While there are both benefits and challenges associated with this concentration of population, it is clear that the relationship between Canada and the United States will continue to be a defining feature of Canadian society and identity for years to come.