What product did astronaut John Glenn bring on his 1962 trip to space?




Here is the option for the question :

  • Tang
  • Kool Aid
  • Ovaltine
  • Nesquik

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :



Although NASA did not create Tang, they were instrumental in the company’s meteoric rise to success. Consuming food and liquids in weightlessness was one of the objectives of John Glenn’s mission, which made him the first American to travel into space. Because of an innocuous chemical reaction that took place in the onboard life support system, the water had an unpleasant flavour; therefore, Tang was added to ameliorate the taste. Following the out-of-this-world product placement, Tang officially sponsored TV coverage of Apollo 8 in order to solidify its position as the beverage of choice for the modern space age.

What product did astronaut John Glenn bring on his 1962 trip to space?
In 1962, astronaut John Glenn made history by becoming the first American to orbit the Earth. As part of his mission, Glenn brought with him a new product that would go on to become synonymous with space travel: Tang.

Tang is a powdered drink mix that was first introduced by General Foods in 1957. The product was initially marketed as a breakfast drink, but it didn’t become popular until the 1960s, when it was adopted by the NASA space program.

The story of Tang’s association with space travel began in 1962, when NASA was looking for a way to provide astronauts with a nutritious and easy-to-prepare beverage. The agency tested a number of different options, including fresh fruit juices and carbonated drinks, but none of them were ideal for space travel.

General Foods saw an opportunity and approached NASA with its Tang product. The company touted Tang as a nutritious and refreshing drink that could be easily prepared in space. NASA tested Tang and found that it met all of the agency’s requirements. Tang was lightweight, non-perishable, and easy to prepare in zero gravity.

When John Glenn was preparing for his historic flight on the Friendship 7 spacecraft in February 1962, he requested that Tang be included in his food and beverage supply. Glenn reportedly enjoyed the tangy flavor of the drink and found it to be a refreshing change from the other beverages available to him.

After Glenn’s successful mission, Tang became closely associated with the NASA space program. The drink was featured in advertisements and promotional materials for NASA, and it became a popular item on supermarket shelves. Tang’s association with space travel even inspired a popular catchphrase: “Tang: It’s out of this world!”

Tang is still available in supermarkets around the world, and it remains a beloved product for many people. Although its association with space travel has faded somewhat, Tang will always be remembered as a product that helped fuel the early days of NASA’s space program and became a symbol of American ingenuity and innovation.