What two African countries were never colonized by European powers?




Here is the option for the question :

  • Morroco and Nigeria
  • Senegal and Algeria
  • Liberia and Ethiopia
  • Kenya and Ghana

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :

Liberia and Ethiopia


This question’s response is a little trickier to understand than it first appears. European powers fought for control of resource-rich African states beginning in 1880 and going on for 40 years. 90% of Africa was under the hands of European countries in 1914, the height of European colonization. However, it is widely believed that two nations eluded European rule. Even though colonialism had an impact on both Ethiopia and Liberia, both countries mostly maintained their independence. Italy temporarily invaded Ethiopia in 1893, but was repulsed, making them the first Europeans to lose a colonial conflict. Liberia, on the other hand, was founded by the American Society for Colonization of Free People of Color of the United States, and even after its independence was largely viewed as an American colony, allowing it to escape European invasion.

What two African countries were never colonized by European powers?
Throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries, European powers engaged in a race to colonize and control various parts of Africa, resulting in the subjugation and exploitation of many African peoples and cultures. However, there were two African countries that managed to resist European colonization and maintain their independence: Liberia and Ethiopia.

Liberia was founded in 1847 by freed slaves from the United States, who established a colony on the west coast of Africa with the help of the American Colonization Society. Over time, the colony grew and evolved into a sovereign nation, with its own government, economy, and cultural traditions.

including a devastating civil war in the 1990s, Liberia has managed to maintain its independence and sovereignty, and is today a member of the United Nations and the African Union.

Ethiopia, meanwhile, has a long and proud history of resistance to foreign domination, dating back to ancient times. In the late 19th century, as European powers were carving up Africa, Ethiopia managed to fend off an invasion by Italian forces, thanks in part to the leadership of its emperor, Menelik II.

Under Menelik’s rule, Ethiopia modernized and expanded its military, economy, and infrastructure, becoming one of the most powerful and influential nations in the region. Although Ethiopia faced numerous challenges over the years, including a period of occupation by Italian forces during World War II, it managed to maintain its independence and sovereignty, and is today a proud and vibrant member of the African community.

The stories of Liberia and Ethiopia serve as a powerful reminder of the resilience and determination of the African people, and of the enduring legacy of colonialism and imperialism in shaping the modern world. Despite the challenges they have faced, these two countries have managed to forge their own paths and maintain their independence, inspiring generations of Africans and people around the world to fight for freedom, justice, and equality.