What vegetable did British cooks substitute for bananas during WWII?




Here is the option for the question :

  • Rutabagas
  • Carrots
  • Parsnips
  • Zucchini

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :



During World War II, banana lovers in the UK were forced to make do with some less conventional options due to rationing. Food imports were restricted as a result of supply disruptions, and by November 1940, the tropical fruit had been made illegal in Britain. Home cooks were pushed to their creative limits as a result: A well-known cook named Marguerite Patten, who was known for making substitutes that were permitted by the ration book, developed a recipe for making fake bananas that involved boiling and mashing parsnips, and then flavoring the resulting product with banana extract.

What vegetable did British cooks substitute for bananas during WWII?
During World War II, many countries faced shortages and rationing of certain foods due to the demands of the war effort. In Britain, one food item that was particularly hard to come by was bananas, which were imported from overseas and became scarce during the war. In response, British cooks turned to a local vegetable as a substitute: parsnips.

Parsnips are a root vegetable that are similar in texture and sweetness to bananas when cooked. British cooks began using parsnips in a variety of recipes that traditionally called for bananas, including desserts, smoothies, and baked goods.

One popular dish that featured parsnips as a banana substitute was the “mock banana” pudding. This dessert was made using a combination of parsnips, custard, and vanilla extract, and was designed to mimic the flavor and texture of traditional banana pudding.

Other creative uses of parsnips during the war included parsnip fritters, parsnip chips, and parsnip bread. These dishes allowed British cooks to stretch their limited food supplies and create new and interesting recipes in the face of scarcity and challenge.

the use of parsnips as a substitute for bananas during World War II represents a critical and vibrant part of the history and legacy of the war. It serves as a reminder of the ingenuity and creativity of people during times of scarcity and adversity, and of the importance of making do with what we have and finding new and innovative solutions to the challenges we face.