What was the first written constitution adopted by the United States?




Here is the option for the question :

  • Magna Carta
  • The Social Contract
  • The Ten Commandments
  • Articles of Confederation

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :

Articles of Confederation


A delegate to both the First and Second Continental Congresses, John Dickinson drafted the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union in 1777. On March 1, 1781, the states ratified the fourth of six draughts of a constitution given to the Continental Congress. Since the Articles of Confederation were inadequate, a convention was called in 1786 to replace them with the Constitution. Article I of the original agreement is still in effect, as it established “The United States of America” as the official name of the new nation.

What was the first written constitution adopted by the United States?
The Articles of Confederation were the first written constitution adopted by the United States. They were created in 1777 during the American Revolution and remained in effect until they were replaced by the current United States Constitution in 1789. The Articles of Confederation were a significant milestone in American history, as they established a framework for a national government and helped to lay the foundation for the country’s political and economic system.

The Articles of Confederation were created in response to the need for a centralized government that could coordinate the efforts of the thirteen colonies in their fight against the British. The Articles established a national government consisting of a single legislative body, the Continental Congress. Each state was represented in Congress by one vote, and decisions were made by a majority vote of the states.

Under the Articles of Confederation, the national government had limited powers. It could declare war, conduct foreign relations, and make treaties, but it had no power to tax or regulate commerce. Instead, the states were responsible for raising revenue and regulating trade. This system led to significant problems, as the states often pursued their own interests at the expense of the national government and each other.

The weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation became increasingly apparent in the years following the American Revolution. The national government was unable to pay its debts or fund its military, and it was unable to regulate commerce between the states. In addition, the lack of a strong central government made it difficult to negotiate treaties or conduct foreign relations.

In 1787, a convention was held in Philadelphia to revise the Articles of Confederation. Instead, the delegates at the convention created a new constitution, which established a stronger national government with the power to tax and regulate commerce. The new constitution was ratified in 1789, and it remains the basis of the United States government to this day.

the Articles of Confederation played an important role in the development of the United States. They established a framework for a national government and helped to lay the foundation for the country’s political and economic system. They also provided valuable lessons about the importance of a strong central government and the need for cooperation between the states.

the Articles of Confederation were the first written constitution adopted by the United States. They established a framework for a national government and helped to lay the foundation for the country’s political and economic system. However, their limitations and weaknesses ultimately led to their replacement by the current United States Constitution. Despite their shortcomings, the Articles of Confederation remain an important milestone in American history and an example of the challenges of creating a centra