Where did the Battle of Marathon occur?




Here is the option for the question :

  • Turkey
  • Greece
  • France
  • Spain

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :



In the year 490 BCE, the Persians launched the first phase of their invasion of Greece, which included the Battle of Marathon. The story of Pheidippides, a messenger who sprinted 25 miles to Athens to give the news of a Greek triumph, became legendary after the fight and inspired the name for the modern race that is being run today. Pheidippides is credited with giving the current marathon its name. You are able to go to the battlefield today and witness the Tumulus of the Athenians, which is a mass grave for the approximately two hundred Athenians who died during the conflict.

Where did the Battle of Marathon occur?
The Battle of Stirling Bridge is a significant event in Scottish history, and it is the battle on which the movie “Braveheart” is loosely based. The battle occurred on September 11, 1297, between the Scottish forces led by William Wallace and Andrew Moray and the English forces led by John de Warenne, Earl of Surrey.

The battle took place near Stirling, a town in central Scotland. The English army, which was much larger than the Scottish army, had to cross a narrow bridge over the River Forth to reach the Scots. Wallace and Moray strategically positioned their troops on the other side of the bridge and waited for the English to cross.

As the English army began to cross the bridge, the Scots charged forward and engaged in hand-to-hand combat. The narrow bridge meant that only a few English soldiers could cross at a time, which gave the Scots a significant advantage. The Scottish army was able to defeat the English army, and it was a crucial victory in the First War of Scottish Independence.

The Battle of Stirling Bridge was significant because it demonstrated that the Scottish army could defeat a much larger English army through strategic planning and tactics. It also gave the Scottish people hope and inspired them to continue fighting for their independence.

In the movie “Braveheart,” the Battle of Stirling Bridge is depicted with some creative license. For example, in the movie, Wallace is shown leading the charge on horseback, which did not happen in the actual battle. Additionally, the bridge in the movie is much wider than the actual bridge, which was only wide enough to allow two horsemen to cross side by side.

the movie “Braveheart” helped to bring attention to the Battle of Stirling Bridge and the Scottish struggle for independence. The movie was a critical and commercial success, and it won five Academy Awards, including Best Picture.

the Battle of Stirling Bridge was a significant event in Scottish history, and it was the battle on which the movie “Braveheart” was loosely based. The battle demonstrated that the Scottish army could defeat a much larger English army through strategic planning and tactics. While the movie took some creative license, it helped to bring attention to the Scottish struggle for independence and remains a beloved classic to this day.