Where is the smallest post office in the U.S.?

Where is the smallest post office in the U.S.?

Here is the question :


Here is the option for the question :

  • Glasgow, Montana
  • Wasilla, Alaska
  • Ochopee, Florida
  • Kearney, Nebraska

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :

Ochopee, Florida


[STC001935] The town of Ochopee, Florida, has the title of having the smallest post office in all of the United States, and it is situated right on the edge of the Everglades. The building, which is 7 feet by 8 feet and was formerly used as the irrigation pipe shed for a tomato farm, is the equivalent in size to a closet. After some time, it was utilized as the Ochopee post office after the previous post, which had been located in a general shop and had been destroyed by fire in 1953. The community of 11 people came to the conclusion that their requirements could be satisfied by this smaller-than-normal post office, rather than investing in a brand-new, state-of-the-art facility. You may assume that the clerk who works in the post office is always bored due to the low population in the area, but this is not the case. Despite this, the post office has turned into a popular destination for travelers, who come from all over the world to mail their postcards and postcards that they have bought.
