Which animal is a wild ancestor of the goat?




Here is the option for the question :

  • Mouflon
  • Aurochs
  • Muntjac
  • Bezoar

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :



Goats were the second species to be domesticated by humans, following in the footsteps of dogs. In the Fertile Crescent of the Middle East approximately 11,000 years ago, humans sprung from bezoars and began breeding. The fact that these hardy wild goats were able to thrive on meager forage while still producing milk, meat, and hides made them extremely important. Both male and female bezoars had enormous horns, but over the course of thousands of years, selective breeding has resulted in modern domesticated goats with much smaller horns. Wild bezoars still inhabit parts of Eurasia but are considered vulnerable as they are frequently hunted for their impressive horns.

Which animal is a wild ancestor of the goat?
The goat is a domesticated mammal that has been an important source of food, milk, and other resources for humans for thousands of years. However, the goat also has a wild ancestor known as the bezoar, which is a species of wild goat that is found in the mountains of Asia and the Middle East.

The bezoar goat is a hardy and adaptable animal that is well-suited to life in rugged and mountainous terrain. It is known for its shaggy coat, curved horns, and sure-footedness, which allow it to navigate steep cliffs and rocky terrain with ease.

The bezoar goat has played an important role in the history and culture of many different human societies, serving as a source of food, clothing, and other resources. It has also been the subject of myths and legends, and has been revered and worshipped in many cultures as a symbol of strength, resilience, and vitality.

the bezoar goat remains an important and beloved part of the natural world, and is a testament to the power and beauty of evolution and adaptation. Whether you’re a lover of nature and wildlife, a fan of mythology and folklore, or simply interested in exploring the wonders of the world around us, the bezoar goat and its place in the history and culture of humanity are sure to inspire and captivate.